IESCO Will Ensure Power Supply Continuity During The Holy Month Of Ramadan Especially Sehar And Ifftar
Islamabad: The Chief Executive Officer of IESCO, Muhammad Naeem Jan, stated that in light of Federal Government and Ministry Of Energy Power Division directives regarding power continuity to valuable customers during the Holy month of Ramzan especially Sahar and iftar IESCO has finalized all the arrangements.
The central control room has been established in Islamabad to monitor demand and supply of electricity on 11 kv feeders and on 132 kv grid stations and also to ensure power continuity and quick Redressal of valuable customers complaints.IESCO Ensures Uninterrupted Power Supply For Eid al-Adha
He said that the senior officer of the chief Engineer level along with the supporting staff will remain available in the control room during whole month and will maintain close liaison with field formations.
He added that to rectify any fault or to overcome any emergency situations without any delay extra material like power cables, transformers poles and meters have been provided to field formations. Leaves of officers and staff have been cancelled with directives to remain available on duty during the month. Chief engineer operation Mr. Kashif Shah being a focal person will look after all operational activities
For registration and early rectification of customers complaints relevant complaint office numbers, help line 118 SMS service 8118 and complaint and monitoring cell nos 051.9252933,0519252934,0519252935,0519252936 will remain available round the clock.