NIP IT Specialist Permanently Inducted into PSB

ISLAMABAD: The practice of favoring certain individuals in the Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) continues, as IT specialist Athasham Ahmed from the National Internship Program (NIP) has been permanently inducted into PSB in Grade 17.

The Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination (IPC) initially transferred Ihtesham Ahmed to PSB on deputation basis from NIP. However, influential figure within the IPC ministy played a key role in securing his permanent induction. The PSB has also issued an office order confirming his induction as well.

According to sources, following his regularization, Athasham Ahmed has begun leveraging his influence to seek a promotion to Grade 18 and to have his induction formally approved in the upcoming PSB Board meeting.19 of May 9 riots convicts pardoned on humanitarian grounds: ISPR

The Federal Service Tribunal (FST) has already ruled against the absorption of government employees into autonomous and corporate institutions, stating that such appointments violate civil service rules.

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