SNGPL Boosts Islamabad Gas Pressure with New 24″ Pipeline


SNGPL has commissioned a new 24 Inch diameter gas pipeline along Srinagar Highway in Islamabad to improve gas pressures in Islamabad. This was stated by Shahid Akram the official spokesman of SNGPL , here on Saturday .While sharing the details of the project he told that the length of the newlySNGPL’s Election of Directors Held

commissioned 24 inches gas pipeline is 11 Kilometers. This  project is  one of the largest capacity building projects executed by the gas distribution company in the capital city which will resolve low gas

pressure issues specifically faced in winters by the valued consumers of Islamabad city. Residents of federal capital area have highly appreciated the efforts of SNGPL’S management aimed to ensure an un intrupted supply of gas to Islamabad city through out the year.

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