
Poor quality tablets: IT Ministry seeks waiver to procure 150 new tablets for cabinet members   


As the cabinet Committee on institutional Reforms (CCIR) has pointed out procurement of poor quality tablets, Information Technology and Telecommunications has approached economic policymakers to allow the procurement of 150 new tablets for cabinet members.

The Cabinet Committee on institutional Reforms (CCIR) had raised questions over the size and quality of existing tablets given to cabinet members.

Following this, the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications has approached the economic coordination committee (ECC) to allow the National Information Technology Board (NITB) to procure 150 new smart tablets of good quality for cabinet members.  

The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications had informed ECC that the National Information Technology Board (NITB) in line with the decision of the cabinet taken on September 22, 2020, initiated the automation of Cabinet procedures.

It procured 150 off-shelf hardened Tablets with customized android systems from National Radio Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC) on December 11, 2020, in strict compliance with directions from Cabinet Division.

Later on, the Cabinet Committee on institutional Reforms (CCIR) in its meeting held on April 15, 2021, discussed the quality of the tablets provided to the Ministers for managing the Cabinet meetings. CCIR had observed that the tablets were not appropriate due to their size and quality.

It had proposed that the “Cabinet Division may provide smart tablets, which are easily manageable, and use the procured tablets for other purposes within the Ministries”.

A review meeting on the automation of procedures of Cabinet Meetings was held in the Cabinet Division on May 26, 2021, and new requirements were identified which necessitated the replacement of the procured tablets with new smart/latest tablets and for enhancement of the security of the portal.

Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications requested the ECC to allow NITB to procure 150 tablets for members of the Federal Cabinet, Federal Secretaries and relevant staff of the Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet Division, as per required specifications with the relaxation of the ban on the purchase of machinery and equipment imposed by Finance Division.

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet considered the summary submitted by the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications regarding the “Replacement of NRTC Tablets used for Cabinet Portal with the New Smart/Latest Tablets.

It directed the Ministry to provide a detailed statement of the expenditure to be incurred for the purchase of 150 tablets for consideration of the ECC.

The ECC further directed the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications to also obtain clearance from the Austerity Committee of the Finance Division for the purchase of Smart/Latest tablets.

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