
MDCAT 2023: PMDC upholds decision to conduct Medical Test on 27

By: Omed Hajjana

Islamabad: The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council on Friday announced a decision regarding the Medical and Dental College Admission Test, saying that it has been decided by the members to conduct the MDCAT Examination 2023 on 27th August 2023.

According to a statement issued by PMDC, the recommendation of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Health was placed before the Council wherein, it has been decided by the members to conduct the MDCAT Examination 2023 on 27th August 2023.

They said that this decision is being upheld, keeping in view the arrangements already made at large across the country by all Provincial Governments / admitting universities.

Earlier, the Parliamentary Committee on National Health Services Regulations and Coordination on Friday suggested the PMDC and officials of the Ministry of National Health Services extend the medical and dental college admission test (MDCAT) for two weeks or approximately one month.

MDCAT aspirants are demanding extension of date of Medical test for at least two weeks.

They are tweeting and making a hashtag #DelayMDCAT2023 on Twitter.Privy to the development, former MNA Dr Zehra Wadood Fatemi, while talking to NewzTodays, said that now we are powerless, no forum is available to raise the voice of students after the dissolution of the National Assembly.She added that I have tried my best to support the students’ issues in my parliamentary tenure.

She said that PMDC authorities must be accountable for breaking a promise with the Standing Committee of the NA for the delay in the MDCAT.

Earlier, the Parliamentary Committee on National Health Services Regulations and Coordination had suggested the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) and officials of the Ministry of National Health Services extend the medical and dental college admission test (MDCAT) for two weeks or approximately one month.

The committee meeting was held at Parliament House under the chairmanship of committee chairman Dr. Afzal Dhandla.

Member committee Dr. Zehra Wadood Fatemi has passed harsh comments over the negligence and poor performance of PMDC officials for not facilitating the MDCAT aspirants, adding that students’ issues should be resolved with immediate effect.

She questioned Why MDCAT is mandatory for getting admission to medical colleges. “I don’t believe in the MDCAT test, there is no Transparency in this test”, she added.

Moreover, she maintained that the previous year six children have committed suicide due to failure in the MDCAT test.

“Few years back my son was preparing MDCAT test in a private academy, and they approached us and demand extra money, in return they make sure that your son will secure a medical seat in a public medical college”, MNA Dr Zulfikar Ali Bhatti informed the committee.

The committee chairman Dr. Afzal Dhandla called Private Test Preparation Academies for MDCAT a Big Mafia in the country.

He said that private institutions are blackmailing the students and charging extra fees every year.

However, the committee unanimously revoked the draft of the National Institute of Health (Re-organization) Amendment Bill 2023.

Dr. Nisar Cheema highlighted the issue of non-compliance with committee orders for not repatriating the Assistant Registrar Nursing Council Yasmin Azad to her parent department Federal Polyclinic Hospital.

He said that it is clearly a violation of committee orders, adding that we will call a meeting on this issue upcoming Monday.

He hinted that if Nursing Council officials didn’t follow the committee orders, then we will suo the Contempt of Parliament.

Notably, Dr Samina Matlob revealed that in Pakistan a fourth of people is suffering from Diabetes. ” There is a severe shortage of insulin for diabetic patients in the market”, she added.

The committee recommended that DRAP make sure of the availability of insulin.

Earlier, a Parliamentary Committee on National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination had received a request from committee member Senator Rubina Khalid to extend the date of the Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) for 15 days due to demand for MDCAT Delay by aspirants on Twitter Trends.

The Senate Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination met on Thursday under the chairmanship of Senator Dr. Muhammad Humayun Mohmand here at the Parliament House to discuss various important agendas.

Senator Bharamand Khan Tangi said that the date should not be extended so after due deliberation it was decided that the examination would be held on 27th August 2023.

While briefing by the PMDC on MDCAT it was decided that the examination will be held on 27th August 2023.

It was also decided to keep the syllabus of the exams the same as last year to facilitate the candidates.

It was also briefed that the council directed all the provincial secretaries to prepare for the exams as per act, the MDCAT will be conducted at a provincial level. This decision was taken in the larger interest of the students.

It was reported that last year almost 204,259 candidates’ appeared in the examination. According to estimates almost 21000 to 225000 candidates are to appear this year, making the system more transparent and merit-based, as public sector universities from all four provinces and ICT will again test the exams as per curriculum approved by PMDC.

It was briefed that as per the comparative analysis, the MDCAT 2021 candidates have a passing percentage of 65 pc with the validity of 2 years as mentioned, however, in 2022 the PMC council at that time modified the percentage and the validity of the result, and reduced the passing percentage from 65 percent to 55 percent for MBBS and 45 pc for BDS.

Due to this reduction in the passing percentage, the validity of the exam results was also modified to only one year which was categorically mentioned on the individual result of the candidates.PMDC Starts Probe Against Medics over alleged Negligence

It was briefed that according to the new act, the validity of the exam was changed to 3 years with the passing percentage now the same as last year 55 pc MBBS 50 pc BDS.

It was briefed that as per law no action in the act is applicable retrospectively, so no changes can be made in the validity of the 2022 result. It was approved that the candidates of 2022 will have to re-apply for this year’s exams in order to qualify for admission into the session 2023, 24.

The committee members objected to the reduction in the passing criteria and remarked that if the passing criteria are reduced to just 55 pc (MBBS) and 45 pc BDS for medical students then we are bringing down the standard and quality of the field of medical sciences in the country and lamented this reduction.

The ministry informed that it received thousands of applications at the provincial level to bring down the passing criteria and also said that many seats remained vacant and in order to fill the vacant seats the criteria were brought down. It was also apprised that the fine charged to the Medical Students due to the delayed release of scholarships was also removed and the scholarships were also granted.

The committee inquired in detail on the present status of the directions issued by the committee regarding the repatriation of Mrs. Yasmeen Azad, Assistant Registrar Pakistan Nursing Council to her Parent Department (FGSH Polyclinic).

The committee was apprised by the officials that the Pakistan Nursing Council was informed on 7-05-2022 regarding the retention of services of Ms. Yasmin Azad as assistant registrar BS 17 on account of the acute shortage of officers and her valuable involvement in multiple nursing projections of national and international level.

The secretary, of National Health Services, said the PMC has a strong Bureaucratic structure he further apprised the committee that the special secretary extended the deputation period of Ms Yasmin without the approval of the competent authority.

He said that a pre-meeting on the case of Yasmin was conducted however he said that he needed further time to order an inquiry into the matter and submit a report.

The chairman committee reiterated that even after the recommendation of the committee to hold any further extension of Ms. Yasmin was repatriated.

The committee also recommended the removal orders of Ms. Fauzia Mustaq Registrar PNC the secretary of health said that Ms. Fauzia Mustaq was already removed by him however she managed to resume back her position in the department.

The committee deferred the matter for a detailed report and inquiry, it was also decided that the matter will be followed up by the subcommittee convened by Senator Rubina Khalid and will be taken up in the main committee on submission of the final report.

The committee also took assurance from the secretary that the composition of the new council will not consist of the same members, which the chairman committee referred to as a “gang” and regretted the PNC mafia playing with the lives of the people.

The committee while discussing the Audit report of the Federal Government Polyclinic Islamabad was informed by the representative of the Poly Clinic that in the audit report 8 paras’ are non-defendable and inquiries on the same have been sent to the Ministry on which a high-powered committee has been constituted to probe into the inquiries, therefore seek deferment.

It was briefed that according to the audit report loss occurred due to procurement of medicines at higher rates – Rps. 53.605 million.

It was also observed in the Audit report that the management paid irregular Health Allowance to deputations from Provinces – Rs 4.082 million.

According to the Audit report, it was also observed that out of 325 doctors 213 posted in the hospital were working and practicing without either having Invalid registration or no registration.

The committee was also informed that all the civil works of the Polyclinic were given to Pak PWD as it is the only authority to execute the civil works and infrastructure of the Government organization.

The committee also took a briefing on the present status of the recruitment of over 178 experts and supporting staff for the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response System (IDSRS) project initiated by the National Institute of Health (NIH).

It was briefed that 45 candidates have joined their duties in NIH, however, the minutes of the meeting of the recruitment committee and approval of appointing authority for the posts of PPS -06 and below of PHLN and FELTP components is under process in the Ministry of NHSR&C and offer of appointments would hopefully be issued on the coming week.

It was also briefed that 29 interviews have been completed and 74 will be interviewed next week. The committee also sought a briefing on the IDSR project of the National Institute of Health, Islamabad.

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