PD, GIZ Pakistan to unveil REEE II 8.1 Project

GIZ Pakistan and the Ministry of Energy (Power Division) have been signed A new implementation agreement, enabling the former to conduct the so-called Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE II) project.

It will provide technical support to the Ministry of Energy –(Power Division) and its associated Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB).

The project aims to contribute effectively to the energy transition in Pakistan. The 8.1 million EUR project is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

During the ceremony, Secretary Power Division, Mr. Ali Raza Bhutta, and Mr. Tobias Becker, Country Director GIZ Pakistan, reiterated the commitment to strengthen their cooperation. CEO AEDB, Mr. Shah Jahan Mirza, and various other notables from both sides were present in the ceremony.

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Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Ali Raza Bhutta further said, “A significant milestone in the energy transition in Pakistan is the new Renewable Energy Policy. Council of Common Interests had approved in August 2020 the Alternative and Renewable Energy (ARE) Policy. The Policy aims to substantially shift the power generation capacity to RE sources, moving from a current 6% to 20% by 2025 and 30% by 2030.

He emphasized building the capacity of Pakistan’s RE & energy efficiency-related organization. Mr Ali Raza also appreciated GIZ to cooperation in adopting the best energy efficiency practices while learning from the German experience.

He expressed the desire that the current collaboration between GIZ and the Ministry of Energy will go a long way towards improving Pakistan’s utilization of its great renewable energy potential.

Mr. Tobias Becker said that this intervention would support the increased deployment of clean energy technologies. It will promote distributed solar PV power plants connected to the electricity grid and the rural electrification strategy of the country. He also emphasized the importance and contribution of the Pakistan-German Renewable Energy Forum (PGREF).

The IEEE II project responds to the national priority area of the Government of Pakistan, i.e., The Alternative and Renewable Policy 2019 and National Energy Policy 2021. Through bilateral cooperation agreements, Germany and Pakistan have been working together to address climate change impacts and ensure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy.

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In line with this, subsequently, the Pakistan-German Renewable Energy Forum (PGREF) will continue to serve as a connecting bridge between both countries, implementing concrete actions and providing technical advice to enhance collaboration, promote dialogue, facilitate investment, and exchange knowledge.

Meanwhile, GIZ Pakistan shares a cordial relationship in development cooperation with the Government of Pakistan for over 60 years. It has been a critical partner in supporting the GOP to achieve its national priority policies since the 1960s in different development sectors.

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