Oil prices maintained: Govt to spend Rs 33 billion

The government said on Thursday that it would bear additional Rs 33 billion to keep oil prices unchanged for the next fortnight from April 2022.

Amid political turmoil, Prime Minister Imran Khan had announced to keep oil prices unchanged till the next budget 2022-23.

In a statement, Finance Ministry said that as per the decision of the Prime Minister in the fortnightly review on 28th February, the petroleum product prices will remain unchanged.

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Subsequently, it further said that government will bear the additional burden of Rs 33 billion for the fortnight (1-15 April 2022) to keep the prices at the existing level.

The prices of petroleum products with effect from 1st April 2022 will be as follows:



Product Existing  Prices w.e.f


New Prices w.e.f. 01-04-2022 Increase / (-)


MS (Petrol) 149.86 149.86 +0.00
High Speed Diesel (HSD) 144.15 144.15 +0.00
Kerosene (SKO) 125.56 125.56 +0.00
Light Diesel Oil 118.31 118.31 +0.00


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