
Govt appoints Masood Nabi MD GHPL

Aftab Ahmed

The Federal Cabinet has approved the appointment of Masood Nabi as Managing Director (MD) Government Holdings (Private) Ltd–GHPL Pakistan.

Masood Nabi has vast experience in the E&P industry and government has appointed him now as MD GHPL Pakistan. Earlier, he has worked as Executive Director (ED) Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (Ogdcl) for several years.

The HR and nomination committee of the Board carried out the interviews of the shortlisted candidates and subsequently the BoDs of GHPL after due deliberation recommended the names of following five candidates to Petroleum Division in order of preference, for appointment of one amongst them as the Managing Director of GHP. Masood Nabi was at top of the list in merit order.

The other candidates were  Faheem Haider, Zahid Nazeer Bhati, and Farhan Shafi. The cabinet approved the appointment in line with the merit order.

The Government has finally streamlined the process for identifying and appointing professionals with the local and foreign experience to perform leadership roles in commercial entities. The appointment of Mr. Nabi will bolster the confidence of foreign oil & gas companies as he oversaw joint ventures with almost all foreign companies working in the sector in Pakistan.

Given the challenges facing GHPL and the industry, it was important to get a professional from the industry. Nabi has headed the Joint Ventures and Business Development Directorate of OGDCL, the largest E&P company in the country.

Over half of OGDCL revenues are from Joint Ventures with leading international and domestic E&P companies.

During his tenure, OGDCL has expanded its JV portfolio and entered into strategic alliances with some leading international companies including Gazprom, MOL, and KUFPEC. Nabi has also previously headed Human Resources and Supply Chain Management at OGDCL.

Furthermore, Nabi is highly qualified and holds degrees in engineering and economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Moreover, the appointment was made after a competitive process involving screening and evaluation of suitable professionals by the GHPL full Board and final shortlisting as per Corporate Governance Regulations.

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