Jobs Portal: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia to sign deal

How we can find jobs online in Saudi Arabia? Jobs Portal is a reliable source to find jobs online with the advancement of technology.

The Pakistani government plans to launch a, jobs portal, with Saudi Arabia, enabling fresh graduates and others to find employment.

 The PTI government made focus on digital platforms like and introduced several portals like Pakistan Citizen Portal, Virtual One Stop Shop” Alternate Delivery Channel’ Tax Assan Mobile App’.

It made all these efforts to facilitate the Pakistanis. Even, it had introduced ‘Digital Roshan Account’ enabling overseas Pakistanis to open a bank account digitally /online.

Private sectors are already operating Jobs Portal to finds jobs online. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of online work has increased.  

Now, the government is set to take up a proposal before the government of Saudi Arabia for a jobs portal and database to enable Pakistanis to get jobs online.

How to Find Jobs on Portal

Four categories of Pakistanis get work visas from Saudi Arabia. The first category includes those who do not have any technical skills. In the second category, some people have some skills to do technical work. Semi-skilled people fall in the third category. Professionals fall in the fourth category who have an engineering background.

The Pakistanis will need to open an account on Jobs Portal to find employment online.

The candidate will have to register technical skills, experience, and professional degrees to enable employers to find suitable candidates.

 OEC to launch Portal for online jobs in Saudi Arabia  

Overseas Employment Corporation (OEC) is undertaking a task to launch a Jobs Portal, for Pakistani students. It will announce its launching soon. Punjab government has already launched Jobs Portal to find jobs online.

OEC is developing the Jobs Portal for fresh graduates, who will register themselves. They will have their accounts with their mobiles numbers to receive jobs offer through SMS message. This will also help the employers to find a suitable person for a vacant post.  

Officials say Prime Minister Imran Khan will take up this proposal of jobs portal with the Crown Prince. There are different companies in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who job portals to hire workers. It is the possibility that Saudi companies and OEC may have collaborated to make the jobs portal successful.

  MoU on Workers Recruitment 

Premier will also take up the issue of re-employment of the laid-off laborers and workers post Covid19.

After the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, at least 0.2 to 0.25 million Pakistani workers have lost jobs. As many as 0.1 million Pakistanis have fresh visas, but they were unable to depart for Saudi Arabia due to the closure of flights.

The prime minister has made serious efforts to resume the flights from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia. He had written a letter to Crown Prince in this regard.  

A ‘Jobs Portal’ is a good suggestion to find jobs online in Saudi Arabia. But Prime Minister should request the Crown Prince to resume flights to take Pakistanis who have valid visas.  

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