DekhoDaily offer minting millions of consumers forcefully

Aftab Ahmed
Islamabad: Jazz Pakistan is fleecing poor illiterate consumers by automatically subscribing to one of its services under the name of “DekhoDaily Offer” and depriving the hard-earned cash of the consumers by detecting Rs 6 daily on the service.

The consumers even do not know unsubscribe dekhodaily jazz offer code and therefore, company starts deducting money. The company continues making money on account of dekhodaily offer.

The plundering of Jazz Pakistan does not stop here as even the consumer time and again phone call to the call center of Jazz is not paying any head to address the issue and deactivate the offer, learnt on Monday.

Jazz CEO Pakistan Aamir Ibrahim on Sunday presented a cheque of Rs 50 million to the Covid-19 Fund of the Prime Minister, Imran Khan.

Kamran Ali, a regular Jazz Prepaid consumer, complained a number of times to the call centres of Jazz but still deducting DekhoDaily Offer of Rs 6 and to avoid this deduction, he is avoiding loading cash on his number.

Another consumer, Jazz Pakistan bluntly told that Jazz CEO after deducting Rs 6 daily from poor and ignorant villagers, presented a cheque of Rs 50 million to PM, Imran Khan. Actually, Jazz Pakistan is presenting looted money from its consumer and donating this looted money from its consumers to this noble cause of PM Covid Fund.

A villager from Muzaffargarh even called the Call centre of Jazz complaining about automatic deduction of Rs 6 daily from his prepaid Jazz sim but no remedy till to that and still facing the dilemma of deduction of amount.

Another complaint was told by a Jazz call centre that there is no key for unsubscribing the DekhoDaily offer code by its consumer itself by applying code likewise it did for the rest of offers but the offer can only be reversed by Jazz staffers.

Jazz is a leading Pakistani telecom company with highest number of subscribers. However, Pakistani consumers have been facing lot of issues. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) had also pointed out in its surgery regarding complaints of consumers. It is also beating all other telecom companies in resolving complaints of the consumers across the country.

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