
Charged Mob attacked Jaranwala Church over alleged blasphemy

Staff Report

Charged Mob on Wednesday attacked Jaranwala Church over alleged blasphemy.

Jaranwala, near Faisalabad city, angry people attacked the houses and church of the Christian community on the charge of blasphemy. The situation in Jardanwala is very tense.

According to local media reports, Christian’s home has also been vandalized in the surrounding area of the church.

Media report says that there was a radical Islamic mob attack on a Christian neighborhood in Faisalabad after local Muslims accused a Christian of burning the Qur’an.

The mob burned houses and churches in the Issa Nagri quarter of Jaranwala, and most of the quarter’s Christians fled.

The videos and messages from locals on social media platforms recommended that locals were incited using loudspeakers of mosques over reports of the alleged desecration of religious scriptures by two local Christian residents.

According to local police, a heavy contingent of cops reached the area and made sure the charged mob and suspects would be apprehended and would face action as per the law.

Moreover, there were no reports of any casualties.

President Bishop of the Church of Pakistan Azad Marshall claimed that protestors had tortured and harassed Christians whereas they desecrated Bibles“having been falsely accused of violating the Holy Quran”.

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