Govt Sets $25B IT Exports Targets by 2029

Staff Report

The government has set IT exports targets by 2029 up to $25 billion.

Tech services and captive IT businesses will be expanded to meet this target.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif presided over an important review meeting on the affairs of the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom and the National Information Technology Board.

Pakistan has a lot of potential in the field of information technology, which needs to be fully exploited,” said the Prime Minister, adding that the government is taking vigorous steps to promote the IT industry.

“The IT industry should support the government to play its role in the economy of the country,” he stated.

He noted that Pakistani entrepreneurs have played a very important role in the promotion and development of the IT sector.Pakistan’s IT Exports Surge by 39% in January 2024

The Prime Minister directed appropriate steps to be taken to improve the quality of 4G services in the country and emphasized the need for coordination between the government and the IT industry to solve the industry’s problems immediately.

The Prime Minister directed practical measures to increase IT exports on a priority basis.

“Debit card and foreign currency transactions of exporters of software products should not be hindered by banks,” he instructed the Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan.

The Prime Minister further directed increasing the number of IT professionals in the country, emphasizing that the Higher Education Commission, universities, and training institutes should work on a priority basis.

He also stressed that the IT curriculum should be aligned with the needs of the industry.

“The private sector should be consulted for the promotion of start-ups and provision of facilities to them,” the Prime Minister directed, adding that a special committee should be formed to examine the performance of the National Information Technology Board.

The Pakistan Digital Commission is being implemented, and necessary legislation is being made in this regard. Automation of government-to-government and government-to-business transactions will bring innovation in health, education, agriculture, and other sectors.

A project called Pakistan Digital Nation will digitize government affairs and the economy.

The target is to train 1.5 million people in the IT sector over the next five years. Additionally, 200,000 people will be trained in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

International certifications for IT professionals will be ensured through public-private partnerships, and Master Trainer Programs will be launched for IT professionals.

Three IT parks and 250 e-Job Centers are to be established. Long-term, medium-term, and short-term proposals for the development and promotion of the telecommunications sector were presented.

The target is to take mobile broadband coverage to 100 Mbps and fiber penetration to 12%. Facilities will be provided for start-ups in health tech, artificial intelligence, financial tech, and agri-tech. Steps will be taken for tax exemption for start-ups.

Talking to the participants of the meeting, the Prime Minister reiterated that Pakistan has a lot of potential in the field of information technology, which needs to be fully exploited.

He emphasized the need for the IT industry to support the government in playing its role in the country’s economy and acknowledged the important role Pakistani entrepreneurs have played in the promotion and development of the IT sector.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of increasing IT exports on a priority basis. He instructed the Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan to ensure that there are no obstacles from the banks regarding the debit card and foreign currency transactions of software product exporters.

He called for enhanced coordination between the government and the IT industry to address and resolve industry issues promptly. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of consulting the private sector for the promotion of start-ups and the provision of necessary facilities to them.

The briefing covered the target of increasing Pakistan’s IT exports to 25 billion US dollars by 2029, the expansion of tech services and captive IT businesses, and the implementation of the Pakistan Digital Commission along with the necessary legislation.

The automation of government-to-government and government-to-business transactions is expected to bring innovation to various sectors, including health, education, and agriculture.

Participants were informed about the Pakistan Digital Nation project, which aims to digitize government affairs and the economy.

The target is to train 1.5 million people in the IT sector over the next five years, with 200,000 individuals specifically trained in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

International certifications for IT professionals will be facilitated through public-private partnerships, and Master Trainer Programs will be launched. Three IT parks and 250 e-Job Centers are to be established.

Long-term, medium-term, and short-term proposals for the telecommunications sector were also presented, including the goal of achieving 100 Mbps mobile broadband coverage and 12% fiber penetration.

Additionally, steps will be taken to provide facilities and tax exemptions for start-ups in health tech, artificial intelligence, financial tech, and agri-tech.

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