Inter-faith Harmony Policy’s Approval suffers a Delay Due to Change of Governments

Inter-faith Harmony Policy’s Approval suffers a Delay Due to Change of Governments

M. Salman

Islamabad: The approval of Inter-faith Harmony Policy suffers a delay for several years due to change of governments in Pakistan.

The government of PML-N had taken up the policy of Inter-faith Harmony again to promote inter-faith harmony amongst the followers of different faiths professed in the country.

The Cabinet in a recent meeting was apprised that the Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony (MoRA&IH) is mandated to formulate a policy for promotion of inter-faith harmony amongst the followers of different faiths professed in the country, in the wake of 18% Constitutional amendment.

Accordingly, MoRA&IH after consultation with National Commission for Minorities (NCM) and other relevant stakeholders had prepared the initial draft of Interfaith Harmony Policy, which was further reviewed/refined in consultation with stakeholders and placed before the Federal Cabinet for approval.

It was further apprised that pursuant to the decision of the Cabinet, the then National Security Advisor had synergised the draft Inter-faith Harmony Policy with the National Security Policy and endorsed it for consideration of Cabinet on 11.03.2022.

However, the draft Policy could not get through to the approval stage due to change of Government in April 2022. Later on, a fresh summary was submitted to the Federal Cabinet for approval of the Interfaith Harmony Policy, which also lapsed on completion of the tenure of the Government on 9th August 2023.

The Cabinet wat informed that subsequently a fresh summary dated 75 November 2023 was submitted to the caretaker Cabinet for approval, which was returned with the remarks that “the draft policy did not in the mandate of the Caretaker government, with actions entailed by Federal and Provincial entities.”

The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony was accordingly advised to submit the same to the new government.

It was further informed that a fresh summary for the Federal cabinet was submitted on 18 July 2024 which was returned with the direction of the Cabinet for further improvement in the Interfaith Harmony Policy, after including legal provisions for safeguarding and protecting the rights of minorities.

Accordingly, the Ministry had now submitted the latest draft of Interfaith Harmony Policy by incorporating the Islamic and legal provisions for the safeguard and protection of minorities rights in Chapter-I of the latest Policy.

In terms of Rule 160 of the Rules of Business 1973, a draft Interfaith Harmony Policy was submitted for consideration/approval of the Federal Cabinet

On consideration of the Interfaith Harmony Policy in conjunction with the Strategy for Religious tolerance in Pakistan, 2024 submitted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmon, the Cabinet directed the Ministry to integrate the two documents. The Cabinet further directed to issue one combined decision.

The Cabinet in a recent meeting felt the need for further review of the matter in consultation with all concerned, in particular with the representatives of minorities on the proposed Strategy, Policy and Implementation Plan, so as to ensure broad-based ownership and clear lines of responsibility.

For this purpose, the Cabinet proposed to constitute a Committee under the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Political and Public Affairs.

The Cabinet was apprised that a population of 3.65 percent non-Muslims lived in Pakistan. Citing references from the Holy Quran, The Madinah Pact and the teachings of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnsh, it was stated that Islam promotes religious tolerance and interfaith harmony.

Moreover, the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 also guarantees the right to practice religion as a fundamental right. Recognising the diversity in the country, in terms of religion and faith, the Ministry of Religious Affairs & Inter-faith Harmony (MORA&IH) had taken several measures to promote interfaith harmony in the countty.

2 The Ministry further informed that in pursuance of Para-37(1) of judgment of Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP) dated 19 June 2014, a Task Force on Religious Tolerance had been constituted by the Ministry of Interior.

However, on the recommendations of the One-man Commission headed by Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Suddle on 22 September 2022, the Ministry of Interior had de-notified the previously constituted task force and a new Task Force under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary, MORA&IH had been constituted on 16th November 2022

It was added that the Task Force on Developing Strategy for Religious Tolerance comprises a diversified representation from all stakeholders like MORA&IH, National Commission for Minorities (NCM), Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), Ministries of Interior, Law and Justice, Human Rights, Foreign Affairs, Federal Education & Professional Training and Information & Broadcasting, Federal Investigation Agency (FLA), Pakistani Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and all federating units.

The Task Force also drafted a strategy in consultation with all stakeholders. Salient features of the strategy were highlighted as it aimed at promoting religious tolerance in the country.

It covers interventions at different stages like Pre-emptive / Preventive Stage, Control and Containment Stage and Post Operation/Restoration Stage.

It also indicates interventions for Monitoring and Evaluation regarding implementation of the strategy,

It urges for interfaith dialogue, international collaboration and public awareness campaigns. It involves religious scholars and measures for educational reforms and a detailed plan of action is also a part of the strategy.

The Prime Minister observed that the Government was fully committed to protecting the rights of all minorities in the country as guaranteed by Islam and enshrined in the Constitution.

During the ensuing discussion a consensus developed that the draft Interfaith Harmony Policy and the related Strategy of Religious Tolerance in Pakistan, prepared by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony, should not be dealt separately, rather consolidated as one document with an effective Implementation Plan.

The Cabinet felt the need for further review of the matter in consultation with all concerned, in particular with the representatives of minorities on the proposed Strategy, Policy and Implementation Plan, so as to ensure broad-based ownership and clear lines of responsibility. For this purpose, the Cabinet proposed to constitute a Committee under the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Political and Public Affairs.

The Terms of Reference of the Committee shall be as follows:

To review holistically the draft Interfaith Harmony Policy and Strategy of Religious Tolerance in Pakistan, prepared by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony;

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