I Wish I Was Dead

S Sultan

Let’s have something inspirational to get rid of the thoughts I wish I was dead.

Before getting into the topic, “I wish I was dead” let’s evaluate your thoughts? Do you feel lonely? Do you consider yourself hurtful? Have you experience the thoughts like, I didn’t find any reason to enjoy life.

There are a few friends of mine, but I’m alone.  My children are grown up now and have no time for me.

My absence will be felt, but not really.  There will be no problem. I am not fit, don’t have the proper body shape. I am being in a depressed state.

Nobody loves me. I wish I were dead.  Nothing excites me.  To die is all I want.   I didn’t hurt if today I was dead today.  I am exhausted to enjoy life anymore.

This is what most people experience during their life. The idea that someone hates their life is really sad. The fact is that most of us do like this.

What is the reason for this thinking? Is it because you hate living anymore? The darkness that you are plunged into is what causes you to lose all hope? What is the reason for these gloomy and bad days?

The reason for all this sadness is the pain and discomfort we have all endured in our lives due to negative experiences.

  • An unsatisfactory job.
  • Performing below the expectations of others or yourself.
  • Placing blame on yourself constantly.
  • Your Life is contaminated when you spend time with toxic people.
  • Worrying about other people’s opinions.
  • Unable to meet your personal goals because you do not have the necessary skills.

For these very reasons, these are a few of the things that bring about feelings of worthlessness in you, and you start to despise your life. We are all imprisoned by our negative thoughts, we want to get rid of them but there is no way.

Depression can strike anyone, no matter what the circumstances. We understand this to be true.

The feeling you’re experiencing is that you’re feeling empty and broken inside and such as nothing even seems worth fighting for anymore.

Nothing is worse to experience something bad in your life.

Are you on your medications? Feel free to say! If so, what are you taking it for? You may surely b.

Surely you do not really want to quit life. I think what you actually like is to no longer feel as though you want to quit life.

Getting your feelings out and talking about them as you did today can really help you get through this.

We have listed below a few words that accompany the phrase “I wish I were dead”.

Sleeping with the hope of dying

I would like to succumb to death

A car hit me in a freak accident and I ended up dead

Couldn’t have been born

What should be considered, however, is that none of these are active actions plans, but only passive wishes.

Suicidal thoughts take on significant meaning based on the form they take

Let us now discuss the two main forms of suicide ideation.

  1. Suicidal ideation Passive
  2. Suicidal ideation active

During hopelessness and loneliness, a person experiences suicidal ideation when feeling out of control. Suicidal thoughts cover a wide range.

The clinical diagnosis of major depression (depression of a larger area) and the bipolar disorder in which depressive episodes are present are both symptoms of suicidal thinking.

Suicidal ideation passive

Imagine death and make no plans to harm yourself severely while contemplating death to a high degree. Keep it in mind. This is just what you can imagine, nothing more. Your religious beliefs prevent you from taking action on your suicidal thoughts. They prevent your thoughts from turning into actions.

Suicidal ideation active

It suggests that ideas must be converted into plans to make them a reality. In this case, the danger lies in the form.

I Wish I Was Dead – that thought repeatedly comes to mind when in despair Inner dying is the greatest loss of life.

You don’t wish to die by saying ‘I wish I was dead. The desire to cease your existence is greater than the desire to die.

We are dealing with the latter here because it emphasizes the topic in question and deals with the desire to die.

Why do you want to wish you had died?

It is possible that this thought is triggered by multiple factors. When a person no longer feels alive, he/she can experience the following:

  • Insufficient financial resources
  • Exhausted by appearances
  • Remorseful and ashamed
  • Environment and circumstances are out of synch
  • Life isn’t going well for you
  • An illness like cancer can cause chronic pain
  • Feeling heartbroken
  • Any failures or rejections
  • Being injured in pride and suffering from low self-esteem
  • Unaccompanied, alone, and isolated

Suicidal thoughts can take different forms, depending on how they are triggered, so you should understand how they work. This destructive thought of yours is energized by depression, so we will show you how it works.

I wish I was dead is a sign of depression

An individual with depression experiences feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that impact their lives. The emotion drains you from your usual activities, and your interest in everything begins to wane.

When you are suffering from depression, it can feel that you are alone in this journey. The situation is not hopeless though, we are here to help. Almost everyone has experienced depression at least once in their lives.

Feeling depressed does not necessarily mean you are a lunatic, weakling, or flawed person. Essentially, it is the feeling that you are facing more anxiety than know you are comfortable handling.

A depressive state forces you to find fault with your life as it pushes you to be cynical about it. You lose your reason for living when you suffer from depression.

If you are plagued with disappointment, you are predisposing yourself to mental problems. As soon as the thought occurs, you are paralyzed with the feeling, ‘I wish I was dead.’

How does depression affect your life?

These thoughts not only cripple you internally but also impair your ability to function normally. Your dismay grows as you realize you cannot do work.

As you detest everything connected to you, including yourself, you begin to feel like a freak, whether it’s your friends or loved ones, all of your surrounding environment, or your life. The worst thing that can happen is the thought ‘I wish I was dead.

Your eyes fill with tears, and you begin to experience heavy eye rain out of nowhere. The pain of crying for hours makes you numb.

Those things you mention are all indicative of the unbearable depression that you are suffering from. Whatever mental health condition you have, such as bipolar disorder, whether major depression or any other mental health condition, Even though there is help available, there could be a passive wish that death would fall upon you.

Mostly this occurs because you are bound to the thoughts to end your life as it is very hard for you.

It is essential for you to get the proper understanding of the symptoms related to depression, this is because most individuals have everything to live a happy life but they are still hurt deep inside.

It appears that we are joyful on the outside, but we are hurting and depressed on the inside.

In depression, it seems as if you are impersonating yourself. Each day, you die from depression.

Thus, understanding depression’s symptoms and signs are crucial.

Symptoms related to Depression

  • Difficulty in proper sleep.
  • Favorite activities have reduced or disappeared.
  • Change in appetite
  • Concentration issues and difficulty focusing.
  • Anxiety and worry excessively.
  • A suicidal thought crosses your mind.
  • Panic attacks

To have a proper understanding of depression, it is essential for you to get through the several important points to end up the overwhelming thoughts of death and hitting in your mind that I wish I was dead. Paying attention to this may minimize your idea of dying.

How to avoid thinking I wish I was dead?

You have many of us by your side, regardless of how hurt you are right now. You are at the exact same point in your life as many most talented and admired individuals before you.

Depression and hope are both renewable, and you have to believe they are. The possibility of overcompensating for your negative emotions is available to you.

No matter how difficult, agonizing, or depressing life seems to be, this will help you. The thought ‘I wish I was dead’ has been reversed by creating ways out for your betterment.

Pay attention to the following six plans that help in getting rid of suicidal and dead thoughts that always emerge in your mind.

Identify the things that trigger you

Find the reasons why you wish to die, such as pain points or recent circumstances. You can eliminate as much as you can from your part after you identify your triggers. When attending a stressful event, relax as much as possible.

i was i was deadTake Action and Ask for Help

The best thing you can do for your loved ones if you are struggling with a major depressive or bipolar episode is to take them under your wing and let them know what’s causing you trouble.

Your deepest hurt and ache should be brought to their attention.

Before you ruin everything, speak to your doctor or a psychologist if you are not confident about sharing your sadness with others.

Exercise Regularly

It would be wise to exercise regularly if you, a loved one, or anyone else has been afflicted with suicidal thoughts.

i wish i was deadWhenever You Feel Joyful, Do It.

Consider joining activities you’re interested in. Get out of the box- dance, sing, paint, play video games, etc.- or do anything else that takes your mind off your concerns.

Your life will be more enjoyable, more joyful, and more fulfilling if you maintain such a mentality and can keep yourself from thinking, ‘I wish I was dead’ and other coupled thoughts.

Maintain a healthy sleep schedule

Be sure to get a good night’s rest because it’s essential for mental and physical well-being. It is wise to take prescribed antidepressants for a while if you have trouble sleeping or are prone to laying your eyes on the ceiling constantly.

Socialize with More People

You should surround yourself with people who are empathic and good listeners. Let them radiate positive energy and harvest it. You find that your friends or other people are a real source of comfort when you are suffering.

Your smile is seen by those with pure souls who are able to see it. The change in your behavior will become apparent to you when you’re with them.

Quotations about the saying I wish I was dead that motivates you to live happily:

Everyone will have this ‘I Wish I Was Dead’ thinking at some point. The idea arises when an individual feels overwhelmed by a situation and believes he/she won’t be capable of coping.

The problem with such ideas is that they’re generally temporary and passive, and they can largely be defeated.

There have been dozens of great authors who have written on ‘I Wish I Was Dead.’ See what these great minds mean by looking at the most popular quotes we have shared with you

  • Depression is being colorblind and constantly told how colorful the world is.
  • We hide to try our feelings but we forget that our eyes speak.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) related to I Wish I Was Dead

Why Do Suicidal Depressions Occur?

People with suicidal thoughts are typically anxious, depressed, suffer from eating problems like anorexia, and abuse drugs.

Mental illness runs in families, so people with a mental illness background are at an increased risk of having suicidal thoughts.

How Do Suicidal Thoughts Affect the Body Chemically?

Suicidal behavior can be explained by chemicals in the mind, and these chemicals are connected to abnormal mental states including inflammation of your body.

In new research, researchers have found that suicidal people have increased levels of the chemical quinolinic acid surrounding their central nervous system(CNS).

What is the reason for suicide?

A self-immolation is an act of deliberately causing death to oneself. The important risk to suicide is because of personality disorders that are psychological disorders, such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, and chemicals abuse such as the usage of benzodiazepine and drunkenness.

Do depression and suicidal feelings have the same meaning?

It is important to have a proper understanding of depression and suicide, in very serious times, depression is Death-threatening resulting in suicide.

This difference between depression and suicide is important, because in more serious cases, depression may be Death-threatening. g with suicide as a possible result.

Depression can also prevent people from reaching their potential, living on the margins, and not succeeding even in school or college.


For the sake of running over you are your own savior whether you have depression or any other mental illness. Getting out of negative thinking is the key to getting rid of the thoughts that hurt you.

It is also dangerous to think passively about death. Your thoughts will always trap you if you never let go, your mental and physical health will be impaired this way.

Let’s just not let stigma deter us from getting the help we need. By overcoming the stigma of depression, you will be able to get much more for yourself.

Take charge of your life instead of letting depression control you. Getting rid of everything that makes you feel unwanted and unneeded is crucial.

Remember that change doesn’t happen overnight, however, with the support of a good counselor, you can overcome your depressive thoughts so that they do not overtake your life. As your life returns to normal, you’ll begin taking steps towards it.

Never allow your life to be wasted on depression.  Living and loving life the way it demands is the way to live!

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