10 Best Tips to Help You How to Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone

Your iPhone has a voicemail service that allows your contacts to leave you messages. If you do not want others to access this app, there are ways to turn it off. You can also enable the settings so that people cannot reach you through your phone via phone call but still be able to send text messages to you. Here are some ways how to turn off Voicemail on your iPhone.Here are a few tips that will help you how to turn off voicemail on iPhone.

1: Use the Settings App

On your iPhone, open “Settings” and then tap “Phone.” Make sure that “Call Forwarding” is set to “OFF.” If it is set to “ON,” tap it once and select “Cancel” on the prompt window to disable the feature.

Remember that this method will not work if you have already enabled “Call Waiting.” Then, you should use another way how to turn off Voicemail on your iPhone.

2: Call Your Phone from Another Line

When a person calls your phone number, press the button with a telephone icon located in front of their name under Contacts. You can also call any other number to reach your phone.

After this feature is activated, your phone will no longer receive calls from people who aren’t saved in your Contacts.

This method will turn off Voicemail as long as you do not have “Call Forwarding” set to “ON” or if you are using a different carrier other than AT&T.

If these two conditions apply, try another way how to turn off Voicemail on iPhone below.

3: Call Your Phone Number

When the iPhone is connected via Wi-Fi or data plan, you can send an international text message with the word “STOP” in the body of the text.

This has been tested and proven to work on an iPhone that is activated with Sprint. Make sure that your carrier supports this option.

4:Turn Off Voicemail Using a Different Carrier

The method described above can only be used if you have set up Voicemail through AT&T. If you are using another carrier, you should call the customer service line.

You can ask them how to turn off Voicemail on your iPhone as it varies depending on which company provides your mobile technology (Sprint, Verizon, etc.)

This way will not work for those who do not want their contacts to be able to leave messages.

But still, allow text messages from people they know through quick-dial rather than opening their contact list and scrolling left or right in search of their name or number.

If this is your case, you can follow the steps in another way how to turn off Voicemail on iPhone below.

5: Get Voicemail in an App

You can use the “Visual Voice Mail” app via AT&T for a monthly fee so that people cannot reach you through a phone call but instead have to leave a voice mail message and be able to send you text messages.

To download it, open your Safari browser and go to ttps://www.visualvoicemail.com/vvm/install/, then sign up for a monthly account with an email address and password.

After downloading the app, swipe to the left on your screen and tap “Purchased.” Then, scroll down until you find Visual Voice Mail’s icon.

Tap “Install” in order for it to be added to your iPhone. Open the app once the installation is complete. Enter your email address and password when prompted.

Then choose whether you want push notifications or not.

This will turn off Voicemail on your phone because people cannot reach you through a phone call but can still text message you if they have your number in their Contacts list.

Remember that this method only works if the recipient has downloaded the app already, which means that they should pay for it too (US$2, $3, or $4 depending on what subscription plan you want) or download it through iTunes on their computer.

6:Use Another App

There are many apps available in the iOS Store, but you need to know which ones work and look for one that is free of charge so no money will be wasted if it does not work. Here are some examples:

Not all apps can be used to turn off Voicemail, while others only disable the feature while the app is open.

So people who use quick-dial features still get alerts when they call, even if their phone won’t ring. If this is your case, try another way how to turn off Voicemail on iPhone below.

It should also be noted that you might not be able to fully turn off notifications for calls that are sent to Voicemail, even if your phone does not ring, nor use quick-dial features.

7: Turn Off Voicemail through Settings

Launch “Settings” on your iPhone by tapping the gears icon on the bottom right corner of your screen. Then, tap “Phone” and scroll down until you see “Call Forwarding.”

If it says “on,” turn it to “off.” This will disable all incoming calls so that people cannot reach you but leaves quick dial options enabled.

8: Reset All Settings

An iPhone setting should be reset if all other attempts have failed to let people who call you but do not save your number in their Contacts list access your Voicemail without leaving a message.

To reset it, go to “Settings” on your phone, then tap “General” and “Reset.” Tap “Reset All Settings” and enter your passcode if asked for one.

This will turn off Voicemail on iPhone because contacts that haven’t stored your number can no longer access it through quick-dial (it should be noted that date, time, and location information might not work, so turn them back on after you have set up your Voicemail again).

9: Call Your Carrier

You may need to call your carrier in case all of the above options fail to fix this issue. They will need the following things before being able to proceed:

1. The IMEI code can be found on the back of your phone.

2. The approximate date and time that you started experiencing this problem which will help them narrow down what might have caused it.

3. Your current SIM card’s serial number is located under the barcode or written on its back if you are using a micro, nano or standard-sized SIM card.

This information can also be found by tapping “Settings” followed by “Phone” then “About” on your phone and scrolling to where it says “SIM status” or “SIM ID” (this data is not required in case everything else has been entered but could speed up repair).

Remember that if they find nothing wrong with your phone and the problem still exists, you will have to pay for their services.

What are the main points that readers should note about turning off Voicemail on iPhones?

You can disable voicemail through apps installed on your phone or request push notifications when somebody tries to call you, even if it does not ring when they do.

Other ways include resetting all settings to allow them access through the quick dial, which leaves out alerts when somebody calls but disables other features like location and time zone updates at the same time.

The method that works best is by setting up Visual Voice Mail in iPhones with LTE connectivity because it allows people who don’t save your number in Contacts lists to directly reach your voice mail without having to listen to a message that’s been left for you. If this feature is disabled, the only option available is apps.

10: Turn off Voicemail on iPhone

It can disable all incoming calls so that people won’t reach your Voicemail, but quick dial options remain enabled so they can still call you without leaving a message.

This setting should be reset if everything else fails to fully disable your Voicemail.

 The steps include opening “Settings” on your phone, then looking for “Call Forwarding,” disabling it if the setting is turned on before searching for “Phone,” then selecting “Reset All Settings.”

They must also provide their IMEI code, the approximate time of starting the problem, as well as your carrier’s SIM serial number (if push notifications haven’t worked).

The method that works best is by setting up Visual Voice Mail in iPhones with LTE connectivity. Other options are apps if it fails.

How can people who call but cannot save your number in their Contacts list access your Voicemail without leaving a message?

There are two ways:

1. Call forwarding, which will disable all incoming calls

2. Apps installed on the phone that allows quick dialling to reach voice mail even for numbers that have not been stored in contacts yet. If this feature is disabled.

They will need to use push notifications when somebody tries to contact them through quick dial access leading towards service providers instead of carrier settings used on iPhones with 3G features only where the option is not available at all.

Why would resetting the phone be useful if settings like time and location updates are turned off?

It will restore your carrier’s voicemail options along with push notifications that do not disable features like time and location updates, for example. If it fails, they can use apps instead.

Why would using apps be useful if the problem happens on iPhones with LTE-connected phones?

They are usually installed to either disable voicemail access or to activate it. Some of them will not only allow people who are not saved in Contacts lists to reach your Voicemail but also enable push notifications, for example. If this fails, they can reset all settings.

How can you receive notifications even when your phone is set to silent mode?

This depends on what type of call was made:

1. A landline or VOIP number dialled through quick-dial which does not work without sound

2. An international number that was dialled through quick-dial which allows alerting despite being set to silent mode

3. A call that was dialled through your carrier where will not ring, but the person will receive a push notification through their service provider for an offer they can accept or decline to go directly to Voicemail without listening to any messages

4. A call that was dialled on LTE has its own settings so the phone cannot be muted, have the volume lowered, or the vibrate function turned off by changing accessibility options.

They can still disable access, but the chances are high that they won’t get an alert instead of being prompted by sound notifications even with silent mode activated.

How can people who don’t save your number in Contacts lists reach your Voicemail?

Using apps installed either for this purpose or quick dial access, allows people to dial the number even if they are not stored in Contacts.


In conclusion, if you want to disable voicemail access but still receive notifications when somebody tries to call you, using apps is usually your best option. If it fails, resetting the phone should do the trick.


By using apps installed for this purpose or quick dial options that go through their service providers instead of carrier settings used on iPhones with 3G connections only where the option is not available at all. If it fails, they will need to use push notifications when somebody tries to contact them through quick dial access leading towards service providers instead of carrier settings used on iPhones with LTE features only where the option is not available at all.

It will restore your carrier’s voicemail options along with push notifications that do not disable features like time and location updates. If it fails, they can use apps instead.

They are usually installed to either disable voicemail access or to activate it. Some of them will not only allow people who are not stored in the Contacts list to reach your Voicemail but also enable push notifications, for example. If this fails, they can reset all settings.

– This depends on what type of call was made:

1. A landline or VOIP number dialled through a quick dial which does not work without sound

2. An international number that was dialled through a quick dial which allows alerting despite being set to silent mode

3. A call that was dialled through your carrier where will not ring, but the person will receive a push notification through their service provider for an offer they can accept or decline to go directly to Voicemail without listening to any messages

4. A call that was dialled on LTE has its own settings so the phone cannot be muted, have the volume lowered, or the vibrate function turned off by changing accessibility options. They can still disable access, but chances are high that they won’t get an alert instead of being prompted by sound notifications even with silent mode activated.

All settings related to Voicemail will be restored, including functionality for quick-dial access to dial people without saving them in contacts or the option to disable it so they can’t use apps installed for this purpose. If failed, using apps will restore voicemail options while allowing push notifications enabling users without saved numbers in their Contacts list to reach you when they try calling through quick dial access, which goes through service providers instead of carrier settings used on iPhones with 3G connections only where the option is not available at all. If that fails, resetting the phone should do the trick.

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