How to Pay Gas and Electricity Bill Online in 2021?

The Internet makes our life easier by providing us many opportunities and features that we are using today. Now we can perform many of our work from the Internet, like order food online. This article provides you ways how to pay bills for gas and electricity online.

We can do shopping online pays our funds and fees from staying in the home we pay our electricity and gas, bills online e easily without going in any bank or branch.

In the old times, it is tough to paying bills, as we have to stand and wait for our turn. It is also an energy-consuming process as we have to go to the bank and wait many times.

But the Internet has resolved your issue and makes you able to your bills from your mobile just in seconds.

Pakistan has also made progress in modern technology and uses that technology for our convenience. The Pakistani people now use the Internet and perform work from home, as in the begging we face many network issues like scamming slow internet speed and busy servers.

Still, all these issues are resolved, and you can do anything on the Internet.

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Sometimes the banks are closed due to rush; we do not pay our bills on time and get fined because the banks are not open 24/7 hour a day. There are traditional ways to pay bills, but now you can do this online with the help of your mobile phone.

But if you don’t know how to pay bills online, you do no need to worry because we described this procedure will complete details from A to Z. After reading this article, and you can access your bills and funds without anyone’s help.

How to Pay Electricity Bill Online In Pakistan

Now it has become straightforward to pay your bill in Pakistan because all the Pakistani banks and mobile applications provide you facilities to pay your bill online, do online transactions, and do much other work on staying in your home.

Online Bill Pay Service

It is straightforward to pay your bill online; you can use many applications like easy paisa and Jazz cash. You can also pay your bill from any bank application.

if you have a bank account, download your bank app. We discuss these applications in detail so that you can’t face any problems while paying your bill.

Because if you make a small mistake paying your bill online, you can face many issues, so you need to be careful to fill in your billing information.

Best App to Pay Bills Online

Many network applications are available in Pakistan for paying the bill online, but we cannot trust them. There are some excellent apps that you can use to pay bills online; I think these are the best apps to pay your bills online as you can trust them because they are prevalent among people.

Easy Paisa Bill Payment

The easy paisa is a Telenor online bank service you can send and receive payments, pay your bills, and many other things. We can say it is an online mini bank and provides you all the banking facilities on your mobile.

It is straightforward to pay your bill using the easy paisa application.

How to pay bill online

If you have an accessible paisa account, then login into your account, and you see many options; you have to click on the bill payment.

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Next, you have to select the type of your utility bill, like electricity bill, internet bill, water bill, or sui gas bill.

Follow the method you see on the easy paisa application and your bill details; you have to write your bill reference number and submit it mainly. You will soon receive the SMS.

Jazz Cash bill payment

Jazz cash is the money sending and receiving jazz company that is now converted into the digital bank, as it provides you all the features of the banking services, like payment funds and others.

For this, you need to have a jazz cash mobile account, open the jazz cash mobile application on your phone. Suppose doing this bill online through jazz cash, dial *789#, and select the bill payment option.

Then choose the bill type and company name, like PEPCO, K-Electric, and what company bill you must pay. Now enter your bill information; you have to provide the consumer reference number, and your bill will be paid through jazz cash in few seconds.

How to Pay Bill Online through HBL

Many people face issues while paying the bill online through the HBL mobile banking as they know how to log in and fill in the bill information.

So if you are one of them after reading this, you can quickly pay yourself on your behalf without facing any difficulty.

How to pay bill online

If you have your HBL bank account and have activated the mobile banking service, download the HBL App from the Google App store. After this login into your account by user login that your bank will provide you.

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After logging into your mobile account, find out the option bill payment and enter your bill details. Now you can pay your bill from the comfort of the living room through HBL online banking services.

How to pay Bill Online through UBL Omni

All the bank of Pakistan provides online mobile banking to their customers for easiness and comfort, and all the banks have different methods to pay bills online depending on the bank portal.

Now you can pay your bill through the UBL mobile banking from sitting in your home. You need to have a UNL bank account to get the benefit of these features.

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Consumers can pay their different bills through a UBL Omni account from mobile app, ATM, SMS, and E-banking services. You provide your consumer reference number, and you will be paid in just seconds, and you will receive a notification.

Online Bill Payment through Bank Al-Habib

Bank Al-Habib is considered a good bank in Pakistan; it also provides you online banking service to transfer funds, receive and send payments, pay your bills, and many other benefits.

Now you can lay your gas or electricity bill through bank Al-Habib online banking service. Login into your bank Al-Habib account through user login details and search the pay your bill option.

Next, provide your consumer reference number, and your bill will be paid in just a few steps.

How to pay bill online bank alfalah

All of the banks in Pakistan provide you online banking services because it is the need of the hour. You can pay your all types of the bill using your Bank Alfalah online mobile service.

Just login into your bank account through the official bank App and quickly pay your bill. You need to fill in the bill information like Bill Company and the consumer number available on the bill.

You can also use this application to send and receive money across Pakistan and all over the world.

Daraz Bill Payment

Daraz is the biggest online shopping and eCommerce platform in Pakistan; if you are a seller on the Daraz and want to pay your utility bills through then, it is possible to do that.

You will be happy to know that you will get a 5 % discount on paying every bill through Daraz.

The procedure is the same as any mobile internet banking service; you must provide bill information and consumer reference number.

K-E bill online

K electric is also known as Karachi Electric that is the power generating company in Karachi and provides electricity to Karachi. Now you can pay your K-E bills online through any bank internet service quickly.

How to Pay Bills Online With Credit Card

The technology becomes more advanced day by day; ATM credit card id not only used for the withdrawal money you can perform many actions with using this card. You can go shopping online using a credit card.

Now you even pay your bills using this card. Go to the ATM bank where you have a card and insert your card in the machine; many options will pop up on the screen.

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Select the bill payment option, fill in the bill information, and pay your bill without standing in the bank line and waiting for your return.

Duplicate Electricity Bill Online

Sometimes our electricity bill is lost, and we cannot find it as we need in many situations, but you don’t need to worry about the presence of the Internet.

Now you can quickly get the duplicate electricity bill from the official website of your Bill Company, like GEPCO, LEPCO, and PEPCO. You have to put your reference number and download a copy of your bill without any problem.

Gas online Bills

You can also pay gas bills online with the applications and mobile banking described in the above section. Different gas companies work in Pakistan that provides your gas at different rates, like SNGPL and SSGC.

Sui Northern Gas Online Bill SNGPL

Like electricity bills, you can also pay your gas bill online without facing any problem. You can pay your gas bill belongs to any company.

Sui Gas Duplicate Bill

If you lost your Sui gas bill, then it is not any problem as you can get a duplicate copy of your gas bill online from the official website of your bill gas company.

Subsequently, you have to provide some information about your bill, like it may be a consumer reference number.


There is no need to go to the physical bank to pay your gas and electricity bill and wait for the turn. You can do this using your mobile sitting in your home.

Now you can pay your bills online without facing any problems. Many applications and banks help you pay your bills online, easy paisa, jazz cash, and mobile banking applications.

These are the best and secure options, and you can easily trust them as they are verified methods.

Meanwhile, all the banks in Pakistan provide your mobile banking facility so that you can pay your bills and make transactions online.

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