How to Live on Your Own in the Real World | 20 Practical Steps

Joseph Andrew

Living on your own can be difficult, especially if you are not financially stable. There are so many responsibilities that come with living on your own, and those responsibilities require money.

Therefore, people often ask about practical steps that could help you to know how to live on your own in the real world.

If you do not have a steady job or another income source, it is nearly impossible to support yourself.

Depending on the circumstances of why you cannot live at home anymore, there could be many things you need to know how to do to live on your own successfully.

Certain skills and knowledge will help make a living on your own much easier. Below are some of them:

#1. Budget and save

It is important for everyone who lives on their own to know how to budget and save even if they have money. You never know what emergency could come up, and when it does, you want to make sure you have money saved to be prepared if something happens.

Furthermore, one should learn how to shop for items that are; fresh, healthy, and affordable. Learning these skills before venturing off on your own will make the transition much smoother and less stressful.

#2. How to cook

Preparing your food will save a great deal of money and teach you how to live on your own much more successfully.

how to live on your own
how to live on your own

If you have no idea what foods are healthy for you, prepare yourself by researching before venturing off. Once you know what foods are healthy, it is easy to make them on your own for a reasonable price.

#3. How to pay bills

If you have never paid a bill before, it can be very comforting to receive them in the mail. When you are living on your own, there surely will be many different types of bills that need to be paid weekly or monthly, so being aware of how much they cost and when they need to be paid is crucial.

The last thing you want is to receive a letter for late bill payments or not to pay them at all because you are unaware of how much it will cost you.

#4. How to manage your finances

Once bills are under control, knowing how to manage your money is key to living on your own. If you are not good at managing your finances, you must learn about them before venturing off alone.

Mismanaging finances can lead to debt and other issues, so learning the basics of finances will help immensely when living on your own.

#5. How to file taxes

If you need to start earning money and living independently, you must know how to manage and file your taxes. Taxes can be very complicated, and one wrong move will land you in a tough situation with the IRS.

Taking the time before filing taxes or once it’s time for them will ensure that there are no mistakes and you do not risk getting in trouble with the federal agency.

how to pay taxes
how to pay taxes

#6. Rules and regulations of your lease agreement

If you are moving into a house or apartment on your own, you must read and understand all rules and regulations about living there.

Some landlords will include late fees if you do not pay rent on time or charge you for damages if they are not fixed properly.

When you rent a house or apartment, it is your responsibility to keep up with repairs and know what the landlord expects of you when living on their property.

#7. Cleaning

Cleaning can be time-consuming but necessary to live on your own. If you live in a house or apartment with other people, it is advisable to learn how to clean before living with others.

This will not only ensure that your roommates are satisfied when it comes to the cleanliness of their personal living space but your own as well.

#8. Fix broken appliances

If there are any broken appliances at your new place, do not wait before getting them fixed. Waiting can cause even more damage to the appliance or can end up costing you money for it to get repaired.

Fixing broken appliances is an easy thing if you know how and will save you time and money.

#9. Grocery shopping

Shopping for groceries on your own is a challenge for many people. Learning how to grocery shop before venturing off alone will ensure that you have the right foods in the house at all times, so there are no surprise visits to the grocery store when you are out of milk or bread.

Grocery shopping by yourself will also teach you about healthy foods and other items typically kept in the kitchen.

grocery shopping

#10. Go outside

It is easy to get cabin fever when you live by yourself. This can be combated by venturing outside at least twice a day for an hour or so to prevent feeling cooped up in the house all day.

Going outside will also help you socialize with others, feel refreshed and keep your sanity intact during tough times when you are living on your own.

#11. Get a pet

If you have always wanted a pet, now is the time to get one. Pets can be very therapeutic and help keep you active instead of cooped up in the house alone.

Pets do not have to be expensive or difficult to take care of either, so they will not put a strain on your wallet or schedule when living on your own.

#12. Plan your weekend

When you live on your own, it is advisable to plan your weekends to reduce stress when living by yourself.

Planning when you will work out or go grocery shopping allows you to avoid coming into the weekend stressed about what needs to be done before Sunday arrives.

Most importantly, planning your weekends out will enable you to relax and enjoy a few days of freedom before starting another week.

#13. Network

You must know how to network with others when living on your own. This can be done through social media or by simply knowing people in person at work or school.

Networking enables you to keep in contact with others and build your community of friends.

#14. Take courses

If there are things that you have always wanted to learn, now is the time while everything is on your terms.

Taking courses at a local college or online will allow you to follow your dreams and have something to occupy your time since you are out of the house during the day.

Plus, learning new skills will help you get a better job when you graduate from college or get a new workplace position.

#15. Stay in touch

Staying in touch with friends and family is one of the best things to do when living independently.

Dealing with loneliness can be difficult, which is why it is important always to have a phone or email for those times that you need someone to speak with.

You can also opt for calling friends and family rather than spending money going out on the weekend.

#16. Taking care of yourself

It can be easy to forget that you need to care for yourself when living on your own. This means cooking healthy meals for yourself and ensuring that you do at least two hours of exercise a week before starting another busy week.

It is okay if you cannot afford expensive gym memberships or personal trainers, as there are plenty of YouTube videos and exercises that you can do for free to stay active.

#17. Plan your week

Planning your week will ensure that you never miss a deadline again and also helps reduce the stress associated with working or going to school.

It is important to set realistic deadlines and avoid overbooking yourself to accomplish everything when planning out your week.

Planning your week keeps you productive and ensures that nothing slips through the cracks, which is very important when living on your own.

#18. Take a class

Having a hobby or skill that interests you will always help you through hard times when living by yourself. Taking a class such as knitting, cooking, or a language during your free time can help reduce the stress of living alone and is also a great thing to put on a resume.

#19. Exercise

It has been scientifically proven that exercise provides mental clarity and reduces anxiety and depression when feeling down.

It’s important to stay healthy even when living on your own, so never forget to hit the gym or go for a run every once in a while.

#20. Take your time buying furniture

Buying furniture for your place is an exciting feeling, but there is no need to rush it when living on your own.

Taking your time buying new furniture can help reduce the stress of moving in with friends and family and ensure that you will not waste money on something you do not like or want in your home.

How to live on your own – FAQs

How hard is living alone?

Living alone can be difficult at first, but it will become easier once you get into a routine. Cooking takes time to adjust to and becomes more challenging during the holidays when many people are spending them with their families. Living by yourself means that you need to know how to live independently since no one else can make decisions for you or provide you with daily necessities.

How much money do I need?

The bare minimum of what you will need to survive is $2,000 per month for housing, utilities, phone bills, groceries, and other expenses that come up. You can always save more than the bare minimum that you need to survive, but it is a good idea to save at least $5,000 before moving out of your parents.

How do I get a job?

Getting a job while living on your own may seem difficult, but there are plenty of places hiring college students or new graduates who have just moved out from their parents home. You can also look up jobs and apply for them online or use social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word about your experience and skills.

How do I buy furniture?

The best way to buy affordable yet high-quality furniture is by visiting affordable furniture stores rather than buying new from a retailer. Buying used furniture is also a great way to save money and repurpose old furniture that you no longer want.

Does it get lonely?

Living alone can be difficult with a busy schedule, especially when people age out every weekend. It’sIt’s important to have a good support system of friends who will help you get through the tough times, but spending time alone can also be a great thing. Being able to do what you want, when you want, without worrying about anyone else is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Making decisions easier because there are no deadlines or schedules to consider other than your own.

Do I have to cook?

It is much easier when living alone to eat out, but cooking for just yourself can be time-consuming. It’sIt’s important to know how to live on your own and enjoy eating at home from time to time, so it’s a good idea to learn basic recipes to save money. You could also consider meal delivery services if you do not have time to cook and save more money on groceries.

How much am I allowed to spend?

Living on your own will give you more freedom, but it can also be more difficult since you will need to make more decisions about what happens with your money. When living with your parents, you may have set rules about spending your allowance. However, it is much easier to overspend when living alone if you are not careful. It’sIt’s important to stay within a budget and be accountable for every dollar that goes out of your bank account.


Living on your own is a challenging but also rewarding experience. It’sIt’s important to take it slow and not rush into buying furniture or starting a job right away, as it will be easier if you plan for these changes with plenty of time beforehand.

However, with enough preparation and patience, living alone can help make you more independent and make decisions for yourself.

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