How to Block a Stolen Mobile Phone?
How to block a stolen mobile phone if somebody snatches it or it is lost? There are several methods you can apply to block a stolen phone to avoid misuse of data.
Ever your mobile phone got stolen? The first thing you do is probably want to block your phone because no one can use your phone and access your information.
Before going anywhere, you know the snatcher who snatches various things from people and runs away. Unfortunately, if your phone got stolen or lost, then what you can do for your privacy.
It is essential because if they access your phone, they can use your information and threats you easily.
As we know that the advanced era changes humankind and makes them digital, we cannot live without the mobile phone; it is just because we have all the work in the mobile phone.
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We feel unfortunate and depressed if our mobile phones disappear from our eyes. If our phone gets lost, snatched, or stolen, then the first thing we think is our privacy and information, and blocking your phone is the best option to secure your data.
Modern technology has changed things altogether, and now if your phone got stolen and lost, you could block it to prevent any misuse activity.
You can stop your phone through the Citizen-Police Liaison Committee. They have a set of websites that help you to verify and getting back your snatched or stolen mobile phone.
The CPLC has millions of IMEI numbers to access the stolen devices. So today, in this article, I will share very beneficial information about those people who unfortunately got stolen, snatched, or lost their phones in somehow incidents.
This article will help you to block your phone to prevent it from misuse.
There are different ways to Block Stolen phones in Pakistan
Unfortunately, in Pakistan, if your phone got stolen or lost, you can block your phone so that no one can misuse your phone. There are many ways to block mobile phones that I am going to discuss below.
How to block a stolen Phone with IMEI Number
You can block your stolen or snatched mobile phones by using the IMEI number you can find on the portable phone box. In this method, you have to provide this IMEI number to any particular department of the Government.
This includes many ways to block the phone, like through fax, email, and many others.
International Mobile Equipment Identity is a unique number of every device different from every instrument; the GSM network uses this number to identify the devices and stop a snatched or lost phone from accessing the network.
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If you don’t know about your mobile IMEI number, don’t worry; it is a straightforward process to check from the portable box or the mobile phone. You can also check it on your mobile phone by dialing the *#06# on your dial pad.
Procedure to block stolen or lost phone
Once you get your mobile IMEI number, you can block your phone by using different, more suitable methods for you.
Through Fax
If you are a Pakistani residential and lost your phone, you can block your mobile phone through fax. You can stop your phone by sending the fax to CPLC at 021-35683336.
You have to provide basic information about your mobile and yourself and provide your phone’s IMEI number.
Through Emails
Most of us don’t have the facility of the fax machine, but this is not a big problem anymore if you lost your phone you could block through email service.
You need to send your compliance with the IMEI number to the [email protected] by providing the required information. They will immediately stop after verifying your information.
By Calling
Now there are many opportunities to block your stolen, snatched, or lost mobile phone. You can secure your mobile phone by calling the Pakistan Telecommunication authority’s official number directly or calling the CPLC center.
They will ask you for some information about you and your mobile phone, but you must provide the IMEI number of your mobile phone.
- PTA: 0800-25625
- Police: 15
- CPLC: 021-35662222
Through Online form
You can also block your mobile phone through the online complaint, and you can quickly secure your phone by IMEI number online. Follow the steps to block your phone through online compliance.
- First of all, open the official site of the CPLC.
- Now open the mobile theft form that is available on the website
- Then provide the information that they have asked from you, the data is about the mobile phone, about yourself and the incident in which you have lost your phone.
- Further click on the application and your complaint is successfully uploaded
- Then later you will be informed through your provided number or email
So these are the methods you can follow to block your mobile phone if, unfortunately, your phone got lost and snatched you should complain a file about this unpleasant incident so that you can stop your phone.
It will help you because no one can misuse your phone, and your private data will be safe and sound.
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has introduced a new system to block and identify the smuggled and unregistered devices.
Device Identification, Registration, and Blocking System ensures that it uses only the registered and legal devices on any network.
Now the PTA starts sending a message to all the mobile users to registered their devices because if you don’t register your devices before October, your mobile will be blocked by the PTA.
Can a stolen phone be tracked without a SIM card?
This is another most asked question by the people who have unfortunately lost theirs in any unpleasant incident. So you can track you only when it is power on and uses a specific network SIM card.
If you got stolen or lost and the person ejected your SIM, you don’t need to because the trackers use the advanced GPS system to track your mobile phone.
This system links your GPS to the internet instead of connecting it to a call network, so your mobile phone can be recovered if it is powered on.
Can the phone be tracked when switched off?
This is a complicated process to track your mobile phone when it is turned off because when your phone is power off, it will stop receiving and sending any connection to the nearest towers and GPS system.
You can only find that where your phone was power off the last time. It may help you a little, but it is not guaranteed you can d=find your mobile phone.
So to track your phone precisely, your phone must be power on, and it doesn’t matter which network is used by your phone.
Can police track phones without SIMs?
It is a complicated process to track your phone without a SIM card because the SIM card receives and sends the signal to the nearest tower all the time.
But police can track your mobile phone if your SIM card were ejected and the person uses her SIM. They will track your mobile from the IMEI number and with the help of the GPS that will connect your phone to the internet.
But this process takes very time and only if the police department wants to track your phone; otherwise, they will make many assumptions that it is not possible.
Can the IMEI number be tracked without SIM?
The IMEI is just several different series for every mobile device; it doesn’t relate to any tracking ability. For tracking a mobile device, a particular SIM card must be inserted into your phone.
Otherwise, your phone will not be tracked based on the IMEI number. To track a mobile device, you need to provide a service provider, and it is only possible when your mobile phone is used with a SIM card.
Technology plays an essential role in our lives and changes our lives altogether, and the internet has become a necessary part of our lives.
Now it is not wrong to say that we depend on the internet, like to call others, transfer funds, learn education, and many more.
Now the technology becomes so advanced that you can find or block your device if your phone is unfortunately lost or snatched.
If you cannot track your device, then you should stop it to prevent it from misuse. Securing a phone is the best option for your lost or stolen devices because it can protect your information from others, and your phone will not be used anymore.
There are many blocking methods available now you can follow to secure your lost devices. Unfortunately, your phone was lost or stolen.
You should confirm it by connecting with the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority if you belong to Pakistan or the state in which you live.
Now it has become a straightforward process; you need to upload an online complaint, and your phone will be blocked after verifying your information as soon as possible.