Govt to conduct Forensic Audit of dry wells

The petroleum division directed to establish a team of experts and professionals to conduct Forensic Audits of shut-in wells.

The team will comprise the public sector E&P Companies and officers of the policy wing to conduct a forensic audit of the shut-in wells drilled in the country.

Subsequently, it will analyze all E&P companies’ shut-in wells.

Dr. Naseem Ahmed (Ex- ED/MD OGDCL) will head the committee to formulate a forensic team to analyze the dry and shut-in wells in detail. Meanwhile, the team will ascertain the reasons and grounds and will submit its report within a month.

The time will visit the shut-in wells throughout the country and technically evaluate the wells’ status. However, the team will also conduct a forensic audit of the wells and identify the wells that can be reviewed and produced.

 The team will also share the work plan for the revival of already identified shut-in wells. Meanwhile, it will also provide recommendations. In case of failure of non-compliance or non-implementations of the works plan, they would be penalized as per the law.

The government had also assigned the team to identify any additional oil & gas wells that can be put on production shortly. The team will monitor wells already in production. It can judge quality control, assess production facilities, technical losses/theft assessments, and review daily production data and drilling data.

Boosting local production

The team will compile a detailed report and submit it within a month’s time period. The government has taken this initiative in a bid to boost oil and gas exploration activities.

READ      Oil and gas exploration: Pakistan to offer 35 offshore blocks.

The country is currently facing a shortage of gas and was dependent on expensive imports of LNG. Officials said that the government was making desperate efforts to revive the walls that were already dry.

PTI government blames the previous governments for ignoring local oil and gas production. The Oil and Gas Development Company Limited  (Ogdcl) had several wells shut down. The team will identify the wells of all other companies to analyze the potential of gas.

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