Govt finally cancels Askari Air license

Govt also refuses to refund security deposits

Aftab Ahmed

The PTI government has finally canceled the license of M/s Askari Air (Pvt) Ltd.

The government decides a lapse of around one year. The airline had applied for cancellation of license in June last year. It hoped to receive a security deposit as a result of license cancellation.

However, the government said that airline had no right to apply for cancellation. Therefore, it did not have the right to claim the security deposit. 

The cabinet has recently decided in this regard. The Aviation Division had submitted a case to the cabinet on June 3, 2019. It proposed considering the cancellation of Regular Public Transport (RPT) Licence of M/S Askari Air Pvt) Ltd.

However, the cabinet had deferred a case and directed Aviation Division to consult it with Law and Justice Division.

The cabinet had further directed to resubmit the summary for reconsideration of the Cabinet after the required consultation.

READ                                Govt to cancel the license of Askari airline

The Aviation Division had completed a consultation with Law and Justice Division. As a result, Law and Justice Division had advised that M/s Askeri Aviation (Pvt) Ltd did not qualify for a request of license cancellation. It further said that the airline could not even claim to refund its security deposit.

Law and Justice Division had also advised that the airline did not qualify under the new National Aviation Policy-2019. Moreover, it said that it could not apply in this case as this policy did not exist when M/s Askari Aviation (Pvt) Ltd applied for cancellation of its RPT License.

The Aviation Division sought the Cabinet’s approval to take immediate measures in the light of the Law Division’s advice. The cabinet has approved it.

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