Gas Theft Control: SSGC Generates Rs. 5.5 billion extra revenue, 1,366 mmcf gas savings

Staff Report

SSGC has generated Rs. 5.5 billion extra revenue and 1,366 mmcf gas savings through gas theft control.

SSGC’s Security Services and Counter Gas Theft Operations (SS&CGTO) Department is at the forefront of the company-wide drive to control gas pilferage and theft, major causes of Unaccounted-for-Gas (UFG) or line losses.

In its drive against the use of illegal compressors/suction pumps, the Company checked 849 industrial units for Negative Gas Pressure and caught 16 such factories running on suction devices.

Summarily, a colossal fine of Rs. 674 million was imposed as a penalty, and a volume of over half a billion cubic feet (0.5 bcf) of gas was consequently saved.

Along with it, more than 1,800 industries were jointly inspected by the representatives of the company’s SS&CGTO, Measurement, and Sales Departments, under the lead of Security Wing officers.

As a result, Industries with extra installed gas load were forced to regularize their excess gas load on RLNG. Consequently, a huge amount of Rs. 3.9 billion was recovered from these industrial units.SSGC seeks a massive increase in gas prices for 2022-23

In addition, a strong check was carried out on EVC and meter malfunctioning, unraveling 193 cases of EVC malfunctioning.

Consequently, Rs. 631 million were recovered with a volume of 581 mmcf of gas. 95 cases of meter malfunctioning were also discovered and an amount of Rs. 390 million was saved. In volumetric terms, 285 mmcf of gas was saved.

In total, the efforts of SSGC in the industrial sector earned extra revenue of Rs. 5.5 billion and saved volumes of 1,366 million cubic feet of gas.

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