Nepra Imposes Rs50m Fine on Each Disco over Load shedding

Staff Report

National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has imposed a fine on each Disco over Load shedding worth Rs 50 million involved in overload shedding in May, and June 2022.

The power regulator has imposed a fine on power distribution companies (Discos) for commercial load shedding after the completion of the investigation.

Fines have been imposed on Pesco, Kesco, Hesco, Sepco, and K Electric, Nepra said adding that load shedding on a commercial basis is a violation of the NEPRA Act, NEPRA.

The power regulator said that each power distribution company (Disco) has been involved in four to sixteen hours of load shedding on a commercial basis.

In 2022, the authority had taken notice of ongoing load shedding across the country and initiated legal action against discos, Nepra said.

The power regulator had also conducted hearings twice and had also given ample opportunity to all the DISCOs to defend themselves.

The authority had directed all the discos to cut off the electricity of those consumers who were not paying bills. Nepra Allows Rs 2.74 Per Unit Increase in Electricity Rates

It had also directed not to cut off electricity from the entire feeder.

In the summer of last year too, discos were found involved in load shedding on a commercial basis, Nepra said adding that they resort to commercial load shedding to reduce their line losses.

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