Fauji Foods signs material business deal

Atif Abbas
Fauji Foods Limited has signed a deal with Pizza Hut to provide all types of cheese used in Pizza Hut, an International fast-food chain across the country.

It is estimated that over 700 tons of cheese will be supplied.

Pizza Hut has close to 150 branch networks across Pakistan and Fauji Foods is part of the Fauji Foundation group which is the largest conglomerate in Pakistan. Fauji Foods is currently selling cheese under its brand name “Nurpur Cheese”.

Fauji Foods Limited (PSX: FFL) was formed in 2015 after acquiring Noon Pakistan Limited. The latter was established in 1966 as a public limited company. FFL’s product portfolio includes flavored milk, cheese, butter, and UHT milk under the brand name ‘Nurpur’ while other products include fruit drinks and tea whiteners.

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