Does the Realm of Invisible Sanctions Paint a Bleak Picture of Japan?

Zeeshan Javaid

Japan a country of those people who treat foreigners and guests in extremely respectful manners, has an ancient history, and interestingly the old testimony of Japanese culture, religion, and social norms are still saved in their original shape.

Tokyo University is one of the elite educational institutions that own a completely separate attached institute of historiography.

I was just recalling the memories of my last short visit to Japan in December 2019, which indeed gave me the opportunity not much more but little to learn about the Japanese people’s education system and culture of the most powerful country in eastern Asia.

I am sure that many people don’t know that most elite universities have underground passages and catacombs for miles, where the olden writings often dating back to the 16th century are still stored in their original shape.

The Historiography Institute of Tokyo University is not far from the Akamon Gate (Red Gate), the famous tourist sight often seen on Japanese postcards, which protects historical writings; it’s some kind of super-secret library and all underground, of course, and you can’t access there without an ID.

In a research paper on ‘Translation history,’ Dr. Thorsten J. Pattberg, a German scholar and senior research fellow at Tokyo University stated that when European powers successively discovered East Asia in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries and fell in like barbarians, they copied everything.

He further maintained that Europeans during their adventure in East Asia had learned new ideas, concepts, and terms.

Rather than meeting the Asians on an equal footing, they simply translated all of the Asian names, terms, and concepts into European terminologies.

He claims that “the West and the United States completely rebranded Asian concepts and names.”

One thing is very clear that the Europe and US whatever they are today in this modern age must be beholden to the Japanese nation, but unfortunately, the reality is against it.

The United States destroyed Tokyo on the ground during World War II and dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Since then, Japan has been a vassal of the USA as a satellite state and had lived so relatively well because of the important colony of Washington in Asia.

Japan became pretty strong in the 80s and got a little cocky. The US imposed sanctions on all areas of life, cultural exports, goods, and Japan’s energy supply. Everything collapsed here and Japan lost 35 years of development.

But since the collapse of the parallel superpower of the US, the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States had suddenly become the undisputed sole world power. And since then Japan has been suffering and living in a fearful environment.

The US presents itself as a realm of sanctions to turn the underdeveloped, economically weak, and politically unstable countries and those who are directly under the administration of States rule with some sort of state-to-state agreements.

It is unveiled not a hidden secret that the Japanese are not allowed to work with China; they are not allowed to work with Russia; they’re not really allowed to work with Europe, India, or South America and if the Japanese do, on a small scale, it could be only working under US supervision.

According to some of my close friends in Japan and diplomatic channels in Pakistan, the COVID-19 hoax has appeared ridiculous for the past three years, and despite the fact that Japan is not actually experiencing a deadly pandemic, Tokyo has been forced to walk around with ridiculous paper masks on its faces for three years, and the population has been hassled into being vaccinated three times with Zionist gene-injections from US Pfizer – a scandal!

If the Japanese had been given the opportunity, they could have developed their own vaccine. Unfortunately, Tokyo had no choice. Russia and China are geographically and strategically two important neighbors of Japan, despite the fact that the US is already engaged with Russia and China in an extreme cold war, and preferably Iran at the same time.

Now Japan – by order of the US, who influenced the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – had to lock down its population for 3 years; so stay in your apartment, work from home – “remote office” – including businesses and schools as well.

So what do people do when they have to sit at home in isolation for 3 years, 127 million Japanese? That’s right as Dr. Thorsten J. Pattberg, a German scholar and senior research fellow of Tokyo University strongly believed that the Japanese sit at home and log on to the Internet. They use US Google, US Amazon, US Youtube, US Twitter, US UberEats (to order food) and term the situation as the greatest US imperialist prank in the world’s history.

“Of course, the world rulers do not refer to this as “imperialism” or “foreign rule” – rather, they refer to it as “The Great Reset” or “Globalism.” Pattberg maintained in its research note.

Indeed there are countless military bases around Tokyo – all American and his allies. The US consulate in Tokyo is a complete district in itself. Precise data from diplomatic channels reveals that there are around 86,000 US military troops stationed in Japan. US Army Area is located in Aoyama Central Tokyo.

Dr. Thorsten J. Pattberg believed strongly that colonialism and foreign rule will not end by themselves and human history can be reduced to a single formula that is “If you don’t protect your sovereignty, you’re worthless”.

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