Cyber-attack damaged 400 FBR’s virtual Data Machines

Cyber Attack on FBR’s Data Centre had damaged 400 virtual machines out of the 850 that led them to shut down on August 14, 2021.

Following Cyber Attack on FBR’s Data Centre on August 14, 2021, FBR had declared an Operational Emergency.

The Revenue Division briefed the Cabinet that on 14th August 2021, a cyber-attack occurred on FBR’s Data Centre located in FBR (HQ), Constitution Avenue, Islamabad.

The country had faced such series of the trend country over the last several years as the frequency and severity of cyber-attacks increase on days of national significance.

The security protocols already in place restricted this cyber-attack to the front end of the data center.It affected only about 400 virtual machines out of the 850. FBR had shut down them. This affected the day-to-day operations of FBR for some time.

The initial forensic analysis conducted had concluded that cyber-attack had not compromised the data of the taxpayers.

Read More: Cabinet approves National Cyber Security Policy

Contrary to the media reports, there was no indication of any evidence that data was accessed, altered, or stolen.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of FBR gave a presentation to the Finance Minister on the Initial assessment of the attack on August 16, 2021. In the said meeting, they unanimously decided to resurrect the systems immediately to avoid compromising the entire revenue stream of the country both at the Federal and Provincial levels.

Consequent to decisions made during the meeting, the then Revenue Secretary/Chairman (FBR) declared "Operational Emergency” in terms of Rule 2(g) and Rule 42(c)(v) of the Public Procurement Rules, 2004, to secure immediate procurement of hi-tech security services to ensure elimination of risks to public property -taxpayers’ data.

According to rule 2(g)-"emergency” means natural calamities, disasters, accidents, war and operational emergency which may give rise to an abnormal situation requiring prompt and immediate action to limit or avoid damage to person, property or the environment;”

In pursuance of the declaration of Operational Emergency, FBR had hired an international firm specializing in cyber security/forensics, which immediately went into damage-control and system rehabilitation on a war-footing.

Revenue Division had sought approval of Federal Cabinet to validate the declaration of emergency under Rule 2(g) and Rule 42(c)(v) of the Public Procurement Rules,2004, enabling to take all mitigating measures so as to avoid any further loss to the public property – taxpayers’ data – and keep the revenue system secure from any further attacks or damage.

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The Cabinet considered the summary titled ‘Cyber Attack on FBR’s Data Centre on August 14,2021-Declaration of “Operational Emergency” in Terms of Rule 2(G) and Rule 42(C)(V) of the Public Procurement Rules, 2004 – Validation Regarding’ dated 8th September 2021, submitted by the Revenue Division, and approved the proposal.

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