CCP Approves Acquisition of Gallant Energy by Gul Ahmed Holdings
ISLAMABAD: The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has approved the acquisition of full ownership (100 percent shareholding) of M/s Gallant Energy (Private) Limited by M/s Gul Ahmed Holdings (Private) Limited, in accordance with a Share Purchase Agreement.
Gul Ahmed Holdings (Private) Limited is a private company mainly engaged in investment operations across different sectors. On the other hand, Gallant Energy (Private) Limited is involved in the filling and distribution of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), an essential energy source for both households and industries in Pakistan.Court backs CCP’s role in regulating competition, dismisses challenge
The CCP has determined that the relevant market in question is ‘Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)’. According to the data provided, Gallant Energy holds less than 1 percent of the market share in the LPG industry. After the deal, Gul Ahmed Holdings is expected to experience a modest increase in market share.
The CCP’s evaluation has verified that the proposed deal will not result in the creation or strengthening of a dominant position in the relevant market, as defined in Section 2(1)(e) in conjunction with Section 11 of the Competition Act, 2010, and the Merger Regulations.
By approving this transaction under Section 31(1)(d)(i) of the Competition Act, the CCP reaffirms its dedication to maintaining fair competition and enhancing efficiency in Pakistan’s LPG sector. The CCP will continue to monitor market activities to ensure that competition remains robust across all industries, benefiting both businesses and consumers in Pakistan.