
Philip Morris Unleashes Nationwide Campaign for New Cigarette Brand

Cigarette company is reportedly flouting rules by offering regular reward schemes like motorcycles, and cell phones.

By Omed Hajjana

Islamabad: The Multinational Cigarette manufacturer company namely, Philip Morris (Pakistan) Limited (the Company) has launched an illegal advertising campaign for the new brand of cigarettes across Pakistan.

Sources said that Philip Morris announced attractive rewards for the promotion of the New cigarette brand. The cigarette manufacturing company has offered cars, bikes, cell phones, and other prizes for smokers.

Sources claimed that the company is using different tactics like branded color scheme clothing for cigarette promotion. Custom Intelligence Confiscates Smuggled Cigarettes Worth Millions

They are offering special discounts to cigarette consumers for brand promotion.

Philip Morris advertising new brand

According to the Ministry of Health Act Tobacco Advertisement Guideline 2009 and other laws, advertisement of cigarette packets is prohibited and any company using free cigarette schemes, reward schemes, or cash prizes, is prohibited.

However, Philip Morris is flouting rules by offering regular reward schemes like motorcycles, and cell phones.

When contacted, the Former Technical Head of the Tobacco Control Cell of the Ministry of National Health Services (NHS) Dr Ziauddin Islam citing a research report, said that Pakistan had become a marketing hotspot for cigarette brand promotion.

“On 29 January 2020, Tobacco Advertisement, Promotion and Sponsorship (TAPS) law was passed by the health ministry to curb the tobacco industry and cigarette manufacturing companies”, he added.

He said that the illegal advertising campaign by Philip Morris is in complete violation of TAPS law.

He added that concerned authorities should file a First Information Report (FIR) against the company for violation of the law.

Commenting on the situation, Health experts believe that only stern action against these law violations and proper implementation of relevant laws can help save our youth.

The manager of Corporate Communication of Philip Morris, Hajira Khan didn’t respond to NewzTodays request for her comment on this matter.

Before filing the news story, the scribe sent queries on WhatsApp.

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