
Al-Karam inks agreement with GAP Inc

A leading Pakistan textile Company—Al-Karam Textile Mills—has signed a six-year license agreement with a US top brand in clothing and accessories retails—GAP Inc.

Meanwhile, In a tweet, Prime Minister’s advisor on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood said, “I congratulate Al Karam Textile Mills for signing the six years’ license for home textile with GAP Inc.”

The Advisor also said that Al Karam is the top exporter of home textile in Pakistan and worldwide. GAP Inc. would sell its products at GAP outlets and chains in North America and Mexico.


He said that this had made  Al Karam—the first home textile company—from Pakistan entered the international markets’  brand licensing pacts.

This will also go a long way for its integration into the Global Value Chain, supported by a focus on R & D to find innovative solutions, said the advisor.

Pakistan’s home textiles are well known across the world. Top European and US brands are using Pakistanis home textile and other textile products. Bedsheets, towels, and other products are top among its contenders.

He urged the exporters to make such efforts to integrate into the global value chain. He said that the government focused on areas in the forthcoming Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2020-25.

PML-N announced last STPF-2013-18. In this STPF, they have allocated millions of rupees to enter/acquire international brands or develop Pakistani brands. For this, the Ministry of Commerce will finance it through the Export Development Fund (EDF).

In a reply on Twitter, Asad Afridi urged the government to back all value-added and Non-value-added firms. He said that this was when Pakistani brands and export companies received orders and licenses from international markets. Afridi termed it a  huge accomplishment of the country.


Moreover, another person on Twitter, in a reply, said:  “Music to our ears. Overseas Pakistani definitely would love to see products Made in Pakistan. Good luck, Pakistan. So, I hope to see the best quality mangoes too, he said lastly.

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