Best Ways to pay SNGPL Bill Online: A complete Guide

News Desk
The Ministry of Petroleum Division had tasked two gas utilities-Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited (SNGPL) and Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGCL) to form a Mobile APP to check and pay gas bills online.

The objective was to enable the consumers of SNGPL to check their online gas bill on SNGPL  APP and avoid the gas utilities sending duplicate bills. Consumers often face the problem of not reconceiving a copy of the gas bill. APP ensures the consumers get an online duplicate bill of SNGPL.

The Spokesperson of the Petroleum Division had said in an official statement that the Division tasked the two Gas utilities, SNGPL and SSGCL to undertake immediate measures to install the facility of paying gas bills online through APP. It could facilitate the people during the Covid-19 pandemic as per exclusive instructions of the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

As a result, consumers may now be able to pay their gas bill online through SNGPL Bill App. They can also check their bill online and pay the same through the mobile application. SSGCL will also make this APP available for the its consumers to pay gas bill online.

The consumers will be able to pay gas bills online through Online banking, mobile banking, digital payment, etc. The consumers of SNGPL and SSGCL will also pay gas bills for the next crucial months in three easy installments amid the Covid-19 crisis.

Moreover, the spokesperson said that the government had already reduced the prices of Petroleum products by Rs.15 to provide relief to the common man. Prime Minister Imran had announced a cut in prices of petroleum products as a part of the economic relief package. This is another measure that the government has directed gas utilities to form an APP by SNGPL and SSGCL that will facilitate the consumers to check their bill online and pay them at home.

In addition to the above, the Spokesperson says that both Sui companies are working round the clock to facilitate customers through dedicated teams to ensure the supply of gas on a priority basis.

Gas online Bills

You can also pay gas bills online with the applications and mobile banking described in the above section. Different gas companies work in Pakistan that provides your gas at different rates, like SNGPL and SSGC.

Sui Northern Gas Online Bill SNGPL

Like electricity bills, you can also pay your gas bill online without facing any problem. You can pay your gas bill belongs to any company.

Sui Gas Duplicate Bill

If you lost your Sui gas bill, then it is not any problem as you can get a duplicate copy of your gas bill online from the official website of your bill gas company.

Subsequently, you have to provide some information about your bill, like it may be a consumer reference number.

There is no need to go to the physical bank to pay your gas and electricity bill and wait for the turn. You can do this using your mobile sitting in your home.

Now you can pay your bills online without facing any problems. Many applications and banks help you pay your bills online, easy paisa, jazz cash, and mobile banking applications.

These are the best and secure options, and you can easily trust them as they are verified methods.

Meanwhile, all the banks in Pakistan provide your mobile banking facility so that you can pay your bills and make transactions online.

Online Bill Payment through Bank Al-Habib

Bank Al-Habib is considered a good bank in Pakistan; it also provides you online banking service to transfer funds, receive and send payments, pay your gas bills, and many other benefits.

Now you can lay your gas bill through bank Al-Habib online banking service. Login into your bank Al-Habib account through user login details and search the pay your bill option.

Next, provide your consumer reference number, and your bill will be paid in just a few steps.

How to pay bill online bank alfalah

All of the banks in Pakistan provide you online banking services because it is the need of the hour. You can pay your all types of the bill using your Bank Alfalah online mobile service.

Just login into your bank account through the official bank App and quickly pay your bill. You need to fill in the bill information like Bill Company and the consumer number available on the bill.

You can also use this application to send and receive money across Pakistan and all over the world.

Daraz Bill Payment

Daraz is the biggest online shopping and eCommerce platform in Pakistan; if you are a seller on the Daraz and want to pay your utility bills through then, it is possible to do that.

You will be happy to know that you will get a 5 % discount on paying every bill through Daraz.

The procedure is the same as any mobile internet banking service; you must provide bill information and consumer reference number.

How to Pay Bills Online With Credit Card

The technology becomes more advanced day by day; ATM credit card id not only used for the withdrawal money you can perform many actions with using this card. You can go shopping online using a credit card.

Now you even pay your bills using this card. Go to the ATM bank where you have a card and insert your card in the machine; many options will pop up on the screen.

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