Security Forces Neutralize 25 Terrorists in Khyber District, 4 Soldiers Martyred

RAWALPINDI: Security Forces are conducting extensive Intelligence Based Operations (IBOs) in Tirah, Khyber District against Fitna-Al-Khwarij and so called Laskar-e-Islam and Jamat-ul- Ahrar.

 These operations based on robust intelligence, have resulted into major setbacks to Fitna Al Khwarij and its affiliates.DG ISPR Calls for Strict Laws Against Digital Terrorism

During these daring and highly successful IBOs being conducted since 20 August 2024, Security Forces have so far successfully neutralized twenty five Khwarij including Kharji ring leader Abuzar @ Saddam, who have been sent to hell, while eleven Khawrij have been injured.

However, during the conduct of operations, four brave soldiers, having fought gallantly, paid the ultimate sacrifice and embraced Shahadat.

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