Prime Minister Pledges Full Resources to Eradicate Polio in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has stated that all available resources will be utilized to eradicate polio in the nation.

In a discussion with the National Anti-Polio Team in Islamabad today, he instructed that the availability of the polio vaccine be ensured in areas with security concerns.

The Prime Minister noted that Pakistan has made considerable strides against the polio virus due to the efforts of frontline workers, the government’s resolve, and the support of partners.Poliovirus Strikes Peshawar: Two Environmental Samples Test Positive

He voiced concerns about Pakistan being one of the two countries where the polio virus still exists.

The Prime Minister was informed that nine polio cases have been reported in the country this year.

He was briefed that a nationwide polio campaign will be launched in September, October, and December this year.

He was updated on the two, four, and six-month plans for the eradication of the polio virus.

Additionally, the Prime Minister was informed that the data of children who missed their polio vaccinations has been digitized to ensure their immunization through digital tracking.

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