400,000 New Gas Connections Planned Despite Shortage

Despite the ongoing gas shortage in the country, a plan has been prepared to provide more than 400,000 new gas connections. For the upcoming fiscal year, a target of 403,050 new gas connections has been set. However, no new gas connections will be provided in Sindh and Balochistan in the next fiscal year.Chairman GasPort Urges OGRA Chairman to Exercise His Authority

According to documents, there is currently a ban on new gas connections for domestic consumers. The plan for the new fiscal year includes 373,352 new gas connections compared to the revised target for the current fiscal year.

For the upcoming fiscal year, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) has set a target of 403,050 new gas connections. However, Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) will not provide any new gas connections.
In the next fiscal year, the target is to provide gas connections to 400,000 new domestic consumers. Additionally, 2,800 new commercial gas consumers will be added.

For the fiscal year 2024-25, a target of 250 new industrial consumers has been set. The target for new gas connections in the current fiscal year was 137,026, which has been revised to 29,698.

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