Irsa Projects Water Shortage up to 30% for Kharif Crops

Staff Report

Indus River System Authority (Irsa) has projected a water shortage of up to 30 percent for the Kharif crops.

Encompassing all the water availability parameters, the anticipated inflows at Rim Stations for Early and Late Kharif 2024 were unanimously agreed upon.

It was agreed total inflows at rim stations would be available at 99.41 million acre-feet during the Kharif season 2024 from April to September 2024.

Out of the total, 23.55 million acre-feet water inflows will be available in early kharif whereas 75.87 million acre-feet inflows will be available in late kharif.Pakistan Seeks US Partnership on Water Management

The water inflows at Kabul Nowshera will be available at 11.72 MAF, Jhelum Mangla at 16.21 MAF, and Eastern River at 2.46 MAF.

The system losses have been estimated at 13.67 MAF. There will be 30 percent water shortage in early Kharif and 7 percent in late Kharif.

A total of 63.61 MAF of water will be available for Kharif crops. Out of this, Punjab will get 31.13 MAF, Sindh 28.81 MAF, KPK 0.82 MAF, and Balochistan 2.85 MAF.

IRSA Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting was held on Tuesday to approve Kharif 2024 Anticipated Water Availability Criteria from April to September 2024 under the Chairmanship of Mr. Abdul Hameed Mengal, Chairman IRSA / Member IRSA Balochistan at IRSA HQs Islamabad.

All IRSA Members, Member (Water) WAPDA, Member (Power) WAPDA, WAPDA Advisors, GM&PD TBD and T4 HPP, Secretaries Provincial Irrigation Departments (PIDs) of Punjab and Sindh and their representatives, representatives of KP and Balochistan, Representative of Provincial Agricultural Department (PAD) of Punjab, Director, Met Department, Director (Opr) / Secretary IRSA along with senior technical personnel of IRSA attended the meeting.

IAC reviewed the Rabi 2023-24 (Oct-Mar) system operation and showed satisfaction about the overall seasonal close at 17 % shortages against the anticipated shortfall of 15%.

Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) highlighted that during winter snowfall in the catchments of Indus & Jhelum recorded at 34.8 inches against the normal of 50.5 inches i.e. 31% less. PMD also forecasted higher-than-normal temperatures during the upcoming Kharif Season.

It was agreed that the Provinces of Punjab & Sindh would activate their respective Discharge Observation Cells (DOCs) for data reporting at different locations.

Punjab SDOs will be stationed at Guddu, Sukkur & Kotri Barrages in Sindh, while Sindh SDOs will monitor the discharges at Jinnah H/W, Chashma Barrage, Taunsa H/W & Panjnad H/W in Punjab.

The DOCs will share their reports with their respective departments & IRSA daily. Besides this, Joint Discharge Measurements will also be conducted through neutral experts/departments under the supervision of Member IRSA Punjab, Sindh & KP in the presence of Provincial Representatives at different locations during the Early Kharif period. Punjab and Sindh ensured that the DOCs of both provinces would be activated within a fortnight as it would promote inter-provincial harmony and trust.

WAPDA briefed IAC about the operational constraints of availability of T3, T4, T5 & LLO and it was unanimously decided to constitute a committee comprising Member IRSA (Punjab) & Member IRSA (Sindh) along with nominated Chief Engineers from PID Punjab and PID Sindh to physically review and monitor the sites and furnish the report for resolution of the operational constraints.

Towards the end of the meeting, Mangla authorities briefed IAC about Mangla operational constraints, and after detailed deliberations, Member (Power) WAPDA assured that all irrigation indents would be fulfilled during Kharif 2024.

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