Pakistan’s Ranking Improved in Corruption Index

Staff Report

Pakistan’s Corruption Index recorded by Transparency International improved by 7 positions, moving from 140th place in CPI 2022 to 133rd in CPI 2023.

Justice (R) Zia Perwez, Chair of Transparency International Pakistan, highlighted the positive development, stating that Pakistan’s CPI score rose by 2 points, from 27 in CPI 2022 to 29 in CPI 2023.

This improvement is attributed to the anti-corruption efforts across various branches of the state, reflecting a commitment to combating corruption.

Perwez emphasized that the government’s policies focused on enhancing governance and enforcing laws effectively are expected to yield further positive results in the future. SSGC, Petroleum Division Locked Horns in Battle over MD’s Extension

Transparency International called on governments to provide justice systems with the independence, resources, and transparency necessary for effectively addressing corruption offenses and maintaining checks and balances on power.

The organization stressed the importance of introducing better procedures and laws to empower justice institutions in combating corrupt acts.

The 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) revealed that most countries made limited progress in addressing public sector corruption.

The global average of the CPI remained stagnant at 43 for the twelfth consecutive year, with over two-thirds of countries scoring below 50, indicating serious corruption issues.

François Valérian, Chair of Transparency International, emphasized the need for justice systems to punish wrongdoing and hold governments accountable.

He urged leaders to invest in and ensure the independence of institutions upholding the law to effectively combat corruption and end impunity.

In summary, Pakistan’s improved ranking in the Corruption Perception Index reflects the nation’s commitment to anti-corruption efforts, but the global report underscores the ongoing challenges many countries face in addressing corruption in the public sector.

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