Jazz CEO Amir Ibrahim endorses anti-government Tweets

Aftab Ahmed

Islamabad:Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pakistan leading mobile company Jazz Amir Ibrahim finds himself in the midst of controversy, apparently siding with PPP in war of words with PTI.

There has been recent war of the words between PTI and PPP leadership when Bilalwal Bhutto read out his speech from his mobile which withdrew criticism from PTI stating that Bilalwal made his speech in English as he was trying to reach to international audience instead of his own people.

Jazz CEO Aamir Ibrahim found himself in the midst of controversy, apparently siding with PPP on this instance when he liked a tweet which drew comparisons between Bilalwal and PM Khan, although criticizing the latter for making his speech in the national language.

One would expect Jazz CEo to own the national language even though he may disagree with PTI. On the same topic PTI posted a video from indian media where Bilalwal’s speech was picked up, which PTI dubbed anti-Pakistan narrative. Although not a political commentator, Aamir rushed to show support to Bilalwal, saying that the questions raised by Bilawal should be addressed, ironically also advising that everyone should think beyond party lines.

The fact that Jazz CEO does not see eye to eye with the ruling party came to fore when he endorsed a tweet saying that there is no difference between PTI and BJP, albeit on the topic of snubbing opinions of other parties only. But while crushing the opponent viewpoint is a norm for all parties in this region, one wonders why Aamir would single out PTI only.

Aamir as an individual has every right to political association which must be respected but as the CEO of a multinational company with over 50 million users, should he really be representing his individual beliefs on a public platform?

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