
Senate Deputy Chief asks PMDC to delay MDCAT until 25 September

By: Omed Hajjana

Islamabad: Senate Deputy Chairman Mirza Mohammad Afridi has asked PMDC to delay MDCAT until 25 September.

He has proposed in a letter addressed to Secretary National Health Services Iftikhar Shalwani to MDCAT 2023 on 25th September 2023.MDCAT 2023: PMDC upholds decision to conduct Medical Test on 27

The letter says that I propose to hold MDCAT 2023 on 25th September 2023 so that the students could potentially allow more time to prepare and perform well providing ample time to the students to adjust their studies and prepare adequately to contribute to a more equitable and successful testing experience.

During a telephonic conversation with NewzTodays, Deputy Chairman Mirza Afridi, citing a Practical of Sargodha board which would be held on 28 August, said that it is inappropriate and unjustified for MDCAT aspirants to appear Medical test on 27 August.

He said that he had held a meeting with the Federal Secretary of Health and President of PMDC today morning and recommended delaying the MDCAT test for fifteen days.

“PMDC President assured me that he will take the matter to the council and would issue official notification of delay soon”, he maintained.

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