Pakistan Faces Rise in HIV, Registers 566 New Cases  

By: Omed Hajjana

Pakistan has faced a massive rise in HIV/AIDS cases despite receiving millions of dollars in global aid.

The government has registered a total 566 cases in PIMS during the last ten months, a parliamentary panel was informed on Tuesday.   

The Senate Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination on Tuesday expressed serious concerns and questioned the concerned authorities regarding the rise in HIV/AIDs cases despite receiving multi-million dollars funds from the global community.

It took a serious note of the rise in HIV/AIDS cases in Pakistan.

PPP senator Bahramand Khan Tangi asked how many cases had been reported in Islamabad in the last 10 months.

While officials of NHS briefed the committee that the tally of HIV/AIDS cases in Islamabad city are 118, many of which were reported from Jehlum, Rawalpindi and Attock.

So a total of 566 cases have been registered in PIMS, officials said.

Funds to Combat Rise in HIV

Joint Secretary of NHS Mustafa Jamal Qazi informed the committee that Pakistan had received 1000 million dollar aid from Global fund so far.

He added that the health ministry is running a very effective awareness campaign on radio and for the first time our voices have reached 150 million masses all over the country.U.S, Pakistan launch Digital Platform For Pharmaceutical Imports, Exports

Federal Special Secretary Health Mirza Nasir ud din Mashhood Ahmad apprised the committee that while community care centers are being built for HIV/AIDS patients – so that these people stay in the same community.

“There is no screening for HIV/AIDS during blood transfusions. Apart from that, the medical status of those Pakistanis who are returning home after being deported is not even screened at entry points”, he added.

He maintained that last year about 26000 Pakistanis came back to Pakistan as deported and no one was screened.

However, the committee unanimously passed the Pakistan Pharmacy amendment bill 2022, moved by Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan.

The committee suggested the newly president Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) Dr Rizwan Taj to continue the scholarship for medical students as they were receiving earlier from PMC.

President PMDC, Dr Rizwan Taj said that they would take up the matter in the next meeting on 3 June. 

He added that the committee would finalize the shape of the MDCAT syllabus and academic course  in our next meeting.

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