Artificial Intelligence: ChatGPT, AI Tools and Futuristic Perspective

By: Ms. Misbah Waqar

Artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving and revolutionizing the world at intense pace. AI has become the most popular term of 21st century because of its game changing ability in every field.

AI has revolutionized the way people used to live, work and interact.

AI has modified every industry like manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, communication and is used for surveillance.

From virtual assistants, autonomous cars and AI enabled computers specialized to perform critical surgeries, face recognition and AI enabled drones, AI has made remarkable steps in every field.

Rapid evolvement of AI made it difficult to catch up with this rapidly evolving world.

Artificial Intelligence is capability of computers to perform task that usually require human intelligence.Pakistan to introduce National Artificial Intelligence Policy

AI is capable to develop AI algorithms and system which can learn through their experience and can analyze large amount of data. AI has ability to adapt to changing environment.

It can perform tasks at low rate and fast speed without down time, can help in decision making and problem solving.

AI has been rapidly evolving in the recent decades and has boosted our technological innovation, without AI we couldn’t have come so far in development.

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Life Style

Rapid advancement in Artificial Intelligence is boosting the abilities of computers and robots to perform complex tasks efficiently and is revolutionizing our way of living.

This rapid advancement in technologies is continuously transforming our way of living and our dependence on technology in increasing day by day.

AI already made firm initiatives in every field and transformed almost every field so fast that it is becoming difficult to catch up this rapidly changing world.

Scientist are working for the fully automated systems with least human interventions such as driverless cars, smart houses and smart cities.

The concept of smart home is trending in the recent decade in which we can remotely control all appliances and devices in our home.

Homeowners can control lighting system, security system and heating system with the help of internet, smart phones and smart speakers.

Some appliances are self- learning, they learn schedule of their owners like self-learning thermostat, can help in energy saving and making our life much easier.

With help of smart speakers, we can perform task by just saying. For example, we don’t need to get up and switch off the lights, instead, we can just say “Alexa turn off the lights” and Alexa can do it for you.

These voice assistants can also understand personalities of their users based on the analysis of their past online activities.

They can also help in problem solving and decision making. Smart devices can also optimize suggestions and advertisements according to data feed of users.

Many new AI generated tools like ChatGPT which can generate creative content, communicate and assist users on different tasks and can also answer your general questions.

These tools could be more advance in near future to help users to make decisions, give preferences and recommendations according to your situation more accurately. AI tools are generating better content then many humans.

With more development, these AI tools would be capable of writing screen plays, novels, books, short stories and marketing copies.

AI could also be used to write emotional songs and poem, which demonstrate their level of understanding, analysis and emotional growth.

In healthcare center technologies are being used to diagnosed diseases at early stage and in discovering new techniques and medicine.

AI nursing assistants are being used for patients to observe their health improvement and to set appointments with doctors remotely.

AI enabled remote surgeries are currently in process of improvement.

Doctors can perform surgeries through controlling platforms while keeping a safe distance from the patient.

This might be beneficial in pandemics. Nanobots are also being used to treat cancer without damaging healthy cells. These rapid advance of artificial intelligence in healthcare would reduce the need of hospitalization in near future.

AI is also set to make a rapid advancement in the field of renewable energy sources.

With fast learning machines and AI Algorithms, AI can help to maximize the capacity of renewable energy systems like solar panels and wind turbines to produce more energy.

This will reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, thus helping to slow the process of climate change.

Artificial intelligence is helping businesses to expand and maximize profit. IOTs could help to businesses by collecting most recent data on customer preferences for effective campaigns.

AI could also help to generate lead and improve competitive environment. Automation of many tasks will replace labors with machines for more efficient work at low costs and fast speed.

AI can also play a significant role in entertainment industry. Traditional ways of making movies with cameras and actors rehearsing their scenes is way too old and time consuming.

In future this traditional way is going to be replaced by AI robots and tools which will help to make 2hrs movies instantly with the help of our mind and strong imagination.

It is said that in near future with the help of AI, photorealistic movies will be generated by only text prompts and human minds.

Robotics with exceptional voice and body languages can also replace actors.

These robots will know when to say what and Replacing actors with AI robots can help to complete movies in short time.

Virtual reality is becoming more realistic and people specially youth is using these technologies for entertainment.

It has also seen that people like virtual world to get escape from the real world. Which could be very harsh for their mental health.

Artificial Intelligence can also help to safeguard national security because of its broad applications in Military sphere.

AI can help in strategic decision making, cybersecurity, drone swarms, target recognition technologies, threat monitoring system and in warfare systems like in weapons, navigation and surveillance.

AI has been used for military purposes for years but this increasing automation and speeding up the military process may cause serious problems like escalation of conflicts, increasing competition and complexities in International arena.

AI Reshaping Global Environment

Artificial intelligence could help to address social changes, improve competitiveness, helps to safeguard national security and will boost national economy.

According to PWC , AI will potentially contribute $15.7 trillion to global economy till 2030. Every country is trying to get potential benefits from AI and we can say that AI race has begun.

All countries both superpowers and emerging powers are focusing on AI more than ever before and looks like they are getting into AI race.

All countries have adopted different strategies to achieve AI supremacy. In this AI race, US is the current leader of the race with china holding the second lead.

US approach toward AI dominance is to invest massively, around $23.6 billion in AI R&D, building international relations for AI supremacy and to establish a competitive AI labor market.

Tech giants like Microsoft, google and Facebook headquartered in US are also making its position stronger. China holding on to the second position, is not coming slow with Alibaba and tencent on its side.

Chinese government is investing almost $9.9 billion in AI field, additionally, focusing on talent, working for AI transparency and data collection around the world.

China is also making Digital Silk Road (DSR), to build relations with other countries for its own technological growth. If we talk about the Chinese talent, Chinese AI specialist are working across the world.

According to a research conducted in 2019, almost 60% of the world’s top-level researchers are working in US from which 30% researcher are from china. Although Chinese government is working to bring their talent back to their country.

Russia is targeting on technological independence, self-learning and significant investment in AI field. Vladimir Putin once said “whoever leads in AI will rule the world”. Which reflects how critically Russia is taking this AI race. Other countries like Germany, UK, south Korea, United Arab Emirates, Japan and France are also making substantial progress toward AI.

Due to far reaching effects of AI on both individual and international environment AI is provoking discussion, that AI is dividing the world into two spheres; Haves and Haves not.

Haves will become richer cause they are the one with the knowledge of class controlling and have access to advance AI technologies.

On other hand, haves not are the labor class who don’t have access to advance technologies and will suffer because of getting replaced by machines. This approach of AI could be a potential threat to equity and inclusivity.

In conclusion, AI’s ability to modify the world made it difficult to catch up at this rapid pace.

With the development of AI, our responsibilities toward its usage also increases. AI must be used in an ethical, sustainable way to ensure that its benefits are shared by all.

Preservative measures to limit the negative effects of AI should be taken to capitalize on the opportunities.

Writer is student of BS 6th semester in Department of International Relations, University of Chakwal, Punjab, Pakistan. She can be reached at [email protected]

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