How to Handle a wife | 10 Tips You Should not Miss

Martin Joe

Most husbands are unsure of how to handle a wife. It may look like an easy thing to do, but it’s not. The best thing is that it’s not impossible.

Whether you are newly married or have lived together for years, every man needs to know how to handle his wife. It takes a specific art to live with a woman and make her happy.

The only problem is that there are no schools where men can learn how to treat and handle their wives. It is a self-learning process that you can enrich by learning a few tips.

Mastering how to handle your woman can bring joy and satisfaction into your life. A happy wife translates to a happy husband.

Here are some tips that you may find helpful in talking or relating with your wife.

Let’s know how to handle a wife

Communicate all the time

Every relationship requires smooth communication for a couple to thrive. It is highly recommended because most people, especially women, find joy in being listened to.

It is one of the most effective ways to keep a marriage thriving. Sometimes, you may disagree with your wife, but putting down your phone or TV remote and paying attention to her can give her immense joy.

Face her while she is talking and show her attention.

It is during such conversations that your wife can talk to you honestly. But, you must be a good listener to understand what your wife wants.

Let her know lines of communication are open. This will make it easy for your spouse to approach you to talk about anything and not just about kids and bills.

Be attentive

Most people feel happy when their spouse gives them attention. It doesn’t matter how long they have been together; getting constant attention keeps your relationship healthy.

If you want your wife to feel loved, pay attention to the little things she likes. For example, you can serve her favourite food for dinner or a cup of coffee in the morning.

This may sound like little effort, but it will make your wife happy. Other things you can do to make her happy include expressing your love for her often or buying her favourite baked goodies once in a while.

Give her some physical touch often

Women love physical touch, and its impact is immense. You cannot underestimate its effect on a marriage.

A touch shows more affection than words. It is the most sincere way to express love, especially when they cannot talk.

For example, you can hold her hand while watching a movie with friends. According to research, happy marriages include intimate and mindful touches.

It reduces cortisol in the body and helps your wife manage stress. If you love hugging, do it daily or just cuddle or stroke her hair when she sits or lies close to you.

Share Household Chores

In most marriages, the wife is expected to do most household chores. This leaves to take care of children and take on different social-related tasks.

Such a situation can leave your wife without enough time for herself, and resentment will build up in her with time.

This means she will start getting irritated quickly, which means unhappy marriage.

Women who have no leisure time and are expected to do all household work alone are not satisfied with their relationship.

You can save your marriage by sharing housework with her. Labour inequality can destabilize your relationship and eventually dissolve it.

You should not ignore labour division; just be honest and choose what you can do easily and perfectly.

Besides that, you can talk to your wife and hear what your wife has to say about dividing housework between the two of you.

Show interest in her feelings

As a husband, you should show interest in her feelings. When he comes home from work, ask her about work, listen and ask relevant questions.

Making a woman feel understood makes her happy, translating into a happy marriage. If your wife is going through a hard time, ask about it even if you do not have a solution.

By doing so, your wife will feel that you care. Always talk to her when she appears down, but respect it if she asks for some space to deal with her problem.

Solve conflicts amicably

You should avoid arguments and conflicts because they may affect the quality of your relationship.

Conflicts in a marriage are unavoidable; they occur when you least expect them. However, how you argue and engage in such disputes determines how healthy your marriage remains.

During conflicts, let your wife know your side and listen to her and together come up with a solution.

Rather than blaming each other, collaborate to find the best solution. Some of the things you should implement in conflict solution include:

• Come up with a solution

• Think of ways to change the pattern leading to conflicts

• Think of coming up with a solution and avoid trying to win the argument or any other conflict.

No Text Fights

If you cannot agree on the phone, avoid fighting through texts. The best way to solve such problems is to talk physically.

Texts can last for a long time, and they may weaken a relationship because every time you see bitter words, the anger may start rising up again.

This translates to a less happy marriage.

Don’t do it via the phone, whether your conflict is a disagreement on something or a decision that you just cannot agree on.

You may overlook the impact of a face-to-face conversation, but it is different from texts via the phone.

Identify your wife’s personality

Since this is someone you live with, you should know her personality. This helps you deal with her easily and reduce conflicts in your marriage.

You will know her likes and dislikes and develop the best ways to avoid conflicts. For example, if she likes taking her breakfast early in the morning, try to wake up on time.

Leave some love notes

If you know to pen down love messages, do it for your wife. Women love such attention, and a romantic note will do wonders.

Such a note can make your wife love you more. Be sure to profess your love and use heartfelt quotes. It is the easiest way to reach out to the deepest part of her heart.

Give her freedom

Allow your wife to have her freedom by visiting her friends and doing things she likes.

Trust her and avoid expressing mistrust unless you have solid reasons to do so. As a couple, you should allow each other to have their private outside life.

This will enable the two of you to establish a balance, which is healthy for your relationship.

Letting your wife sit in another company will bring positive results, and she will be looking forward to being with you. After all, absence makes the heart fonder, so let her miss you.

Be respectful

When you treat a wife like a queen and respect her privately and publicly, she will gain confidence and become a better person.

This will create strong roots for your relationship. She also feels safe being your wife.

Besides, respecting her becomes a two-way thing; she will also treat you the same way and, in the process, reduce clashes and reasons to argue.

Support Women’s Rights and Equality

One of the ways to ensure that both you and your partner have a long and happy life is by supporting equality.

If the relationship is one-sided, where men feel more powerful and dominant than the spouse, this is likely to make the wife feel bored and not appreciated.

But achieving equality in a relationship is not simple, and at times, you might find it difficult.

Besides, relationships are filled with ups and downs, but if both partners treat each other with respect with no power, control, or dynamic, you will be happier and live in harmony.

Discuss With Your Spouse What She Wants In Bed

When it comes to the bedroom and satisfying your wife, you should never make assumptions.

Note that women are different, and each has their needs and desires. That is why reading books and watching porn might not be a good option.

The only way to know your wife’s needs is to take the time and talk. During your discussion, dismiss everything you think about sex and take new information.

If you learn what your partner enjoys in bed, you will know how to satisfy her, an essential ingredient in making your wife happy.

Her Pleasure Should Be a Priority

Most people develop a sexual script when they are young and believe that it is factual. But note that what works for one couple might not work for another.

That is why you should learn the dynamic of your relationship to know how to pleasure your woman.

Most men do not take an interest in women’s pleasure, so most wives are not content with intercourse.

You can make your wife happy is ensuring that her organism and pleasure are at the top of your priority.

Never Pressure Your Wife into intercourse

Sex is the backbone of marriage, and without it, the relationship might not be functional.

But that does not mean that wives should always avail themselves of sex each time their husband demands it.

Unfortunately, one thing that is killing most marriages is forcing your partner for sex.

At times, it is customary to be in a relationship to find that one partner wants sex while the other one does not.

In such cases, woe your wife and romance her until she is in the same mood as you. On the other hand, if she seems disinterested, wait until both of you want to be intimate.

Equal Rights on Finances

It is often said that the opposite attracts and that is how most couples find each other.

However, that is not the situation when it comes to spending money. Couples need to find ways to bring their views together to help their marriage work.

You need to agree when it comes to your finances.

Overspending or spending money on secrets is one of the things that can make your wife unhappy.

The happiest couple is the one that spends money equally. In addition, the best way to make your wife happy is to avoid going on a spending spree and leave your wife living a fragile life.

Take the time to discuss the best way to manage your finances.

20 Proven Ways to Make Money while Pregnant

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