How To Delete Other People’s Messages In Group Chats?/ Ultimate Guide

Social media groups have allowed us to be together virtually. We can discuss our serious thoughts or just have fun with all of our friends at once. How To Delete Other People’s Messages In Group Chats? Here are a few tips that will help you perform this task.

However, at times, some people send messages to a group that might be offensive to some of the group members. You tell the person to delete the message, but they don’t. 

So, what’s the solution to this problem? How to delete other people’s messages in group chats? Well, social media has progressed more than you think.

These days, it’s possible to delete other people’s messages, not on all social media apps but on some. Like, as WhatsApp and Instagram. You must have accounts on two of them. Isn’t it? 

Since this article has a lot to offer you, please make sure to read it till the end so you can learn everything in a good way. 

Let’s get to our topic without being late.

How To Delete Other People’s Messages In Group Chats?

Some social media apps allow you to delete other people’s messages. This way, no one else would be able to see that message or messages. So, how to do that? Just follow the below-given instructions for three of the apps.

How To Delete Other People’s Messages On WhatsApp?

Since WhatsApp is the most used social media app in the world, we’re going to tell you how to delete other people’s messages on it first.

There is a feature for deleting other people’s messages in a group chat on WhatsApp. This feature has been around since 2018, but not many people know about it.

Now you must be wondering how come the feature has been around in WhatsApp for years but not so many people have found it.

Well, that feature isn’t integrated into the version of WhatsApp that you’re using. It’s in WhatsApp’s beta version. 

Yes, you heard that right. You can test the feature by downloading the beta version of WhatsApp. Scroll down the listings in the App Store and Google Play Store to find the beta section.

You can join the beta tester program by clicking “Become a Beta Tester”. 

Keep in mind that there are limited beta spaces for both Android and Apple. You’ll be able to test the feature while it is being tested if you get in.

Administrators of group chats will now be able to delete messages from other users in the same manner as you can delete your own messages.

This applies only to group chats and not private conversations between two people. Although it is not clear when this feature will be available to others, some WhatsApp features have been in beta testing for several months.

The feature could also be made available to a limited number of users in the live application as part of the testing phase.

Administrators could have more control over the messages that are shared in groups. This is especially important as WhatsApp group chats have evolved from just being chats between friends to a way to share the news with larger groups, organize events, and many other possibilities.

It can remove offensive or harmful messages, or streamline a convo thread. More people will be able to test it and see how it works in practice.

How To Delete Other People’s Messages In A Group Chat On Instagram?

After learning about Whatsapp, it’s time for us to learn how to delete other people’s messages on Instagram chat groups.

Well, unfortunately, there is no such feature that can help you to delete messages from both groups’ chats on Instagram. 

This means that you won’t be able to delete someone else’s messages in an Instagram group. However, if you’re chatting individually with someone and want to delete the messages from both ends, then you can do that with ease. Let’s learn how to do that.

  • On your home screen, click the paper aeroplane-shaped message symbol in the upper right corner.
  • To access the message choices, long-press the discussion you wish to delete and drag it to the left.
  • Click on the Delete option now.

After you have completed the above steps, group messages will no longer appear in your inbox. Remember that they are still available to the other person.

You can use the search function to locate specific messages rather than scroll through your entire DM list. To delete a conversation with someone, you can use the search bar at the top of the screen.

Delete All of Your Instagram Direct Messages with AutoClicker on Android/iPhone/iOS.

You must be aware of the messaging “unsend” feature on Instagram. But what if you’ve sent too many messages to someone else and you want to delete them quickly before they read them?

What will you do in such a situation? Does Instagram have any way to delete all the messages at once? Nope, Instagram doesn’t have this option yet. What’s the solution? 

Well, the solution is simple. You’ll need an auto-clicker to unsend all of your messages simultaneously. What is an auto-clicker?

AutoClicker for Android and AutoClicker for iOS allow you to automate repetitive taps and swipes within any app or screen on your device. You will be amazed at the power and versatility of this free program once you get started. This article will focus on how to delete your DMs from Instagram.

How to do that? Let’s learn it quickly.

  • Head over to Instagram first and open it.
  • Once it’s opened, you now have to go to either Google Play or the Apple Store to download any Auto Clicker application. You can download any auto-clicker that you want. You can check the reviews of the app to ensure whether it is worth downloading or not. However, if you don’t want to download any random application, then you can download it from the above-mentioned links. This would be better as this is the application that we’re going to use.
  • Tap Enable in the Multi-Targets Mode section. This will enable you to tap multiple times with a delay between each tap.
  • On Instagram, go to your Direct Messages screen.
  • To create a swipe point, tap and hold the plus symbol. This will create a circle with the 1 number inside it. Drag the swipe point to your first conversation in your DMs.
  1. Move the second circular within the initial circle. This instructs AutoClicker to tap and hold.
  2. Tap the circle to bring up the settings dialogue for this swipe. Adjust the delay to 1000 milliseconds and the swipe time to 1000 milliseconds.
  3. Long-tap the first conversation on Instagram to move the process along. This will allow you to see the next taps.
  4. The context menu opens. To add a tap point to the +icon, tap on it. Drag the tappoint to the line in the context menu. Delete it. This tap point will become #2 and have a 2 in its circle.
  5. To move the process forward on Instagram, tap the delete button.
  6. Tap on the +icon and drag the tapping point to its proper location to create tap point 3.
  7. To keep this discussion going at this moment, press cancel.
  8. Tap the gear icon and give this tapping script (they refer to it as a configuration) a name. You can save the script and run this command hundreds to thousands of times without human supervision.
  9. To run your script, click the blue Run arrow.

That’s it. All of your messages should now have been deleted faster by using the auto-clicker application. The AutoClicker App interface can be disabled by going to the AutoClicker home screen.

AutoClicker can be used in many ways. It’s not only for speeding up the deletion of Instagram DMs. So, now you know how to delete other people’s messages in group chats.


1) Can you delete other people’s messages in a group chat?

For everyone’s benefit, remove a message: Pick the message you want to delete in a private or group chat. To delete for everyone, select Options > Delete.

2) How do you delete chats on both sides?

Tap and hold the message that you wish to delete on your phone. Next, select Remove. When asked for the recipient of the message, tap the Unsend button. When prompted, confirm your selection.

3) Can a group admin delete a message on messenger?

Administrators can delete any message that they receive from anyone (e.g. Inappropriate messages Other recipients will see the notice “Message removed from Admin”.


How to delete other people’s messages in a group chat? Now you know the answer to this question. We’ve told you how you can delete messages on Instagram and WhatsApp.

Still, if there is any confusion in your mind, you can let us know in the comment section. We’d love to help you out.

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