KE seeks a Rs 4.86 per unit tariff increase in April 2022

As part of the fuel charge adjustment (FCA) for April 2022, K-Electric has requested that the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) increase the power tariff by Rs. 4.86 per unit.

A major impact of the April 2022 Fuel cost adjustment will be due to an increase in Furnace Oil and CPPA-G prices. Furnace Oil prices have increased by 22% from March 2022 to April 2022.

CPPA-G’s electricity prices increased by 14% in April 2022. CPPA-G will cost Rs 10.664 / KWh in April 2022, compared to Rs. 9.387/KWh in March 2022.

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Utilities incur fuel charge adjustments (FCAs) as a result of global variations in fuel prices used to generate electricity and changes in the generation mix. NEPRA scrutinizes and approves these costs before passing them on to the customer. In addition, consumers benefit from a decrease in fuel prices.

A public hearing will be held on the 14th of June to discuss submissions following NEPRA guidelines. In response to the request, the regulator issues instructions on the period during which these costs can be applied to consumer bills.

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