
Railways link to PIBT Terminal: Body formed to workout Plan


The government has formed a high-level committee to work out a feasible plan for a new rail link from the PIBT terminal to the Pakistan Railways network.

The proposal is under consideration that Port Qasim Authority (PQA) will provide sufficient land adjacent to the PIBT Terminal for the development of railways yard for direct dispatch of trains.

The train formation and dispatch require at least six (06) lines yard for efficient movement.

There is also a requirement of two full train length lines to regular (trip maintenance) as and when required.

The government will seek assurance of PIBT to provide 1st right of refusal to Railways so that it can completely utilize rail.

Plan Submitted to link PIBT Terminal to Railways Network

Ministry of Railways has further proposed the government form a committee comprising of Divisional Superintendent Karachi, DG (Land), DG (Project), and PQA to finalize the requirements/ modalities.

The Ministry of Railways had submitted these proposals to Cabinet Committee on Transport and Logistics (CCOTL) for consideration and approval.

During the ensuing discussion, the cabinet body observed that the Ministry of Railways did not indicate how much land adjacent to the PIBT terminal was required for the development of the railway yard.

PIBTL Cargo handling declined by 39.5% YoY in 2QFY22

The cabinet body on transport and logistics further observed that there was a dire need to fine-tune the proposals to enable the forum to make an informed decision.

It also observed that the specific information about the requirement of land is not available at the moment.

Therefore, it could not hold further discussion on the issue.

The Cabinet Committee on Transport and Logistics (CCOTL) considered the summary submitted by the Ministry of Railways titled “New Rail Link from PIBT Terminal to Pakistan Railways Network”.

It constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Pakistan – Corporation and comprising of Divisional Superintendent, Pakistan Railways Karachi, Director General (Land), DG (Projects), POA, to deliberate on the proposal holistically and submit viable recommendations.

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