Unscheduled Load shedding: Nepra warns Discos to face action

News Report

NEPRA Authority has taken serious notice of consumer complaints against Discos regarding unscheduled load shedding in the country. It warns action against AT&C (Aggregate, Technical and Commercial) electricity-based load shedding in the country.

It took notice of electricity load shedding particularly in the areas of PESCO, QESCO, SEPCO, HESCO.

The Authority categorically directed DISCOs to avoid such undue load shedding as the same is in clear violation of NEPRA Laws.

Furthermore, Nepra has never recognized it.

The Authority while taking notice of consumer complaints received during hearings in the matter of Monthly Fuel price Adjustments for DISCOs regarding unscheduled load shedding, has taken the following stern actions.

Discos served show cause for unscheduled load shedding

It has directed PESCO, QESCO, SEPCO, HESCO to avoid such undue load shedding and submit a report within one month, failing which the Authority shall initiate legal proceedings under NEPRA Fine Regulations 2021.

While showing concerns by the Authority on the data pertaining to T&D (Transmission and Distribution) losses, Recovery and AT&C losses, PESCO, QESCO, HESCO, SEPCO, it has directed to initiate proceedings against their concerned officers/officials who are directly responsible for such poor performance due to which consumers are suffering.

Advisories on unscheduled load shedding

The regulator had also sent advisories to all Chairmen Board of Directors (BODs) of these five DISCOs with copies to the Ministry of Energy (Power Division), showing the performance of respective DISCO and advising them to take necessary steps to avoid such unscheduled load shedding.

While considering the data of 11kV feeders belonging to urban areas, the Authority observed that DISCOs have failed to establish their writ.

The Authority further directed to make urban feeders free from load shedding by preparing a comprehensive plan indicating a reduction of AT&C losses with the concrete timeline.

It is pertinent to highlight that NEPRA had already sent an advisory to the Ministry of Energy (Power Division) wherein, it categorically communicated that GOP AT&C based load shedding policy i.e. not to supply electricity to high loss feeders is negatively impacting the overall sales growth from the available “Take or Pay” power plants and thus ballooning the circular debt.

The Authority is also of the view that AT&C-based load shedding was introduced back in 2017 when there was a generation shortage in the country.

However, the continuity of the same policy does not appear to be beneficial for the power sector. It is also a fact that good-paying consumers of the same feeder are badly suffering due to this policy.

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