Pakistan to introduce National Artificial Intelligence Policy

News Report

Karachi: Cyber security is the first important pillar of digital policy 2021 of the IT Ministry. The digital transformation of Pakistan corresponds with Cyber Security. Cabinet had approved Pakistan’s first cyber security policy this year. The government has expressed commitment to introducing National Artificial Intelligence Policy soon.

Federal Minister IT and Telecommunication Syed Aminul Haq said while addressing BlockChain Conference on Saturday.

IR Next had organized it.

Highlighting the importance of IT in economic development, he said that a leader is one who envisions future requirements of the nations.

IT Ministry had been on the path of landmark steps to make Pakistan digital. The Federal Cabinet had already been made paperless by shifting work to tablets and android cell phones.

The government will also make the governance of Parliament paperless.

While bridging the gap between academia and industry, He urged close cooperation among academia, industry, and IT Ministry in introducing emerging technologies in Pakistan.

The gap between academia and industry needs to narrow down and IT academicians must start supervising industrial projects through an agreement between industries and universities, he added.

The current government is focusing on the IT sector that also resulted in increasing exports. National Artificial Intelligence Policy is part of the government agenda to make the IT sector more responsive.

Moreover, Federal Minister expressed the readiness of IT Ministry to work with industry and academia through tri-lateral agreement and bring up the recommendations of a committee on data protection, cyber security, and collaborative modus operandi before the cabinet.

He said that IT Ministry will equip the 60% young population of Pakistan with IT expertise by providing 3G and 4G services especially in the remotest areas of Pakistan which are far away from urban centers.

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Panelists from Europe, America, and Middle East were also engaged besides the panelists of Pakistan’s universities. The panelists exchanged views and experiences on BlockChain technology.

Meanwhile, Chairman IR-Next Dr. Khalid thanked Federal Minister Syed Aminul Haq for taking landmark initiatives in the IT sector. The conference ended with the distribution of awards to the IR-Next team.

IR-Next is a solution provider organization working on BlockChain, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence with public and private sectors.

Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.

A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions to duplicate and distribute across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.

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