How to Start an Essay: Here are all Tips you Should Know


An essay is a piece of writing which includes different arguments, opinions, and explains narrates. It is designed to shares emotions, feelings, and thoughts with others through writing skills. In the essay, you can write on any particular topic, like on trending topics, politics, and many others. Here are all tips in this article you can know how to start an essay.

In our school days, we have written many essays on different topics that are assigned by our teachers. It also helps us in increasing our writing skills.

But the essays on higher levels are different because at the university or college levels we have to write an argumentative essay so it shows clearance of your thesis.

The length of an essay depends on your level subject and age, but you can write an essay minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 5000 words. The average length of an essay fall 1000 to 3000 words that are commonly used.

How to Start an Essay

There are many types of essays that depend on your level and subjects, but at the higher level, you have to write articles that are perspectives on a topic. But to start an essay there are some important things that you keep in mind before writing an essay.

how to start an essay


First of all, you have to decide your topic on which you can easily write, make proper research on your topic, and creates an outline for your essay. The outline is the important part of your essay and readers can get a lot of information seeing on your outline.

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The next step that you have to take is writing and it is the most important step of an essay. You have to write an attractive and eye-catching essay so that the readers show more interest in your writing and appreciate you.

For writing a good essay you have to write your arguments in the introduction and then provide evidence in the body of an essay. In the last section, you have to give your conclusion and highlight the negative and the positive points of the essay.


When you write the complete essay you have to go through and read your essay for revision, it makes your essay clearer because you can point out your mistakes and solve them. You can check the grammar, spelling of your essay.

How to Start an Essay Introduction

The introduction is the open paragraph of your essay that you write at the start of an essay; it can attract or distract the readers. In the introduction, you have to write 10 20 percent of the essay text.

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Write the introduction in such a beautiful way so the readers attract to your essay and will be able to know that what they are going to read in the next sections.

how to start an essay

Here are some points that you can follow to start an introduction to any essay.

Hook your reader

Your first sentence is the main impression that you provide to your readers, so write with interest and curiosity. Sometimes we call it to hook because it hooks the reader with your essay, so if it is not an inquiring question a surprising fact the reader leaves quickly without reading your essay.

Provide background on your topic

In the next you have to provide the final argument about your essay, if you are writing an academic essay then provide a write about the thesis statement. But don’t provide detailed information because it is not a good point.

Write the thesis statement

This thing is mostly used in the higher-level academic essay when you write for your thesis, so in the introduction, you have to adjust your thesis statement. Make sure that it should not lengthy more than two lines.

Map the Structure

Now it’s time to end the introduction part of your essay, if you are writing lengthy essays then end the introduction by writing the essay structure which covers each part of the essay.

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In this way, the readers can get a preview of the arguments that you are going to develop.

How to Start an Essay with Quote

It is a fantastic way to start your essay with a quote because it can help you to grab more readers, but make sure that avoid irrelevant quotes.

It can make your essay unattractive; follow these steps while writing a quote.

  • Make sure that your quotes relate to your essay topic
  • Always use the unique and credible codes
  • Do not use the clichés in quotes
  • Quotes must be small, like half of a line

How to Start a Paragraph

The paragraph, we also call it the main body of an essay in which you have to describe briefly describe your topic. It is the place you have your present your ideas and formulates your arguments.

Length of the body text

It depends on your essay topic and your level of knowledge like if you are a high school student it is enough to write three or four paragraphs.

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But for university students, you have to write the main body of the essay on 8 to 10 pages. Overall the texts of an essay are comprised of 70 to 80 percent of the whole essay.

Paragraph Structure

Paragraph structure makes your essay more clear, and you have to organize the whole data into paragraphs. The thing that you make sure of is that the paragraphs are not getting mixed and the information is not repeating. One paragraph is only showing a single idea.

Introduce that idea while connecting the previous and next paragraphs; you can also use the transition words for a better and clear conversation.

You can also enter a quote that relates to the paragraph, be sure that you interpret your evidence very well that tells your readers about your arguments.

Types of Essay

An essay is a piece of writing that shows that information about the topic and persuades others to read your writing skills.

The essays are of different types depends on the natures of the topics that your share in your essay, but here we only discuss its four types that are as follows.

 How to Start an Argumentative Essay

The argumentative essay is focused on conveying your information by strong argument to your readers. You have to write your thesis statements so that your readers show more interest in your essay.

It needs complete research on the topic that you want to write about and present the information in your way. In school and colleges, we have to write these types of essays and provides our arguments to the teachers.

How to Start an Informative Essay

This is an important type of essay in which we don’t need to give our arguments and opinions because here we have to provide solid information about the topic. You can add anything from your side that is irrelevant to the topic.

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The main aim of the informative essay is to educate or provide informational topics to your reader. The informative essays have different aims, like to define any term, compare and evaluate the topics, or provide how-to topics. You don’t need to persuade your readers, you have to provide information on different topics like in the schools we define many topics like a table, a cow, and also famous personalities.

How to Start an Opinion Essay

This is a very common type of essay in which you have to give your opinions, first of all, you have to choose a topic and write its introductions then start giving your opinion.

You can also agree or disagree with your opinions and provides the proper reason that why are you agree or disagree with this point.

How to Start an Essay about Yourself

We all have written this type of essay in our early school days and job interviews, this just includes the valid and correct information about us. You cannot add anything that is not in your personality, so make a list of the main things about yourself and then type in writing manners.

Always write these types of essays in the first-person essay, avoid giving another example in these essays gives your examples.

How to Start a Conclusion in an Essay

It is the final paragraph or the last text of your essay; here you can add 10 to 15 percent of the text, a good conclusion includes these things.

  • Come back towards your thesis
  • Attach your main points
  • Shows the audience that your arguments matters

There are also many things that you need to avoid in writing a good essay conclusion.

  • Don’t add any new arguments
  • Avoid using the phrases, like in the end, etc.

Final verdicts

The essay is a piece of focused writing that does can attract your readers; it is an important part of any literature because there origin is very old.  Here we discuss in detail the essay, also describes some of its important types.

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