Govt decides to regularize housing societies in Islamabad

PTI government has decided to regularise irregular housing societies in Islamabad.

Cabinet has decided to regularize housing societies in Islamabad’s Zones II, IV, and V. The federal Cabinet formed a commission to examine the Master Plan of Islamabad.

Secondly, the Ministry of Interior issued a notification on December 28, 2018. Following that, the government replaced a number of specialists as a result of a Cabinet Decision of August 3, 2019, in order to ensure completion of the assignment on schedule.

The Commission finished its work and issued an interim report on the review of Islamabad’s Master Plan, revision of building bye-laws/planning parameters.

The report also pointed out revision of modalities and procedures for the development of private housing schemes in Islamabad, and a request for proposals for a consultant to review Islamabad’s, Master Plan.

On October 14, 2019, sponsoring ministry had presented these findings to the Federal Cabinet, which agreed to approve the Consultant’s ToRs.

Planning commission should approve and the CDA should pay the Consultant’s funds.

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Furthermore, the process for engaging a consultant to evaluate Islamabad’s Master Plan kicked off with the approval of the CDA Board, in accordance with a Federal Cabinet resolution.

The Ministry of Planning and Development had formed a committee to help with the evaluation of the Islamabad Master Plan, which CDA was preparing.

The Master Plan Commission’s inaugural report was thorough and included a plan of action. For the interventions listed in the Master Plan Commission Report, the government is required to engage consultants.

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Chairman CDA would serve as the Commission’s Convener until the Committee elects a Chairman from among its members. The Commission can employ technical experts on its own as and when needed to perform its day-to-day responsibilities.

The government considered forming a committee to provide advice and devise an efficient policy for the regularisation of irregular housing schemes in Islamabad’s several zones, including Zones II, IV, and V.

Moreover, CDA will provide all manpower and logistical assistance, according to the Ministry of Interior. The CDA would fund the Commission’s operations. Within the scope of the ToRs attached and the CDA Ordinance, 1960, the Commission would operate as an advisory body and advise the Authority on the regularisation of illegal housing societies in Islamabad.

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The government will give commission members an honorarium. The government had drafted the Commission’s Terms of Reference in accordance with the Punjab government’s ToRs.

The Minister of Interior had submitted the following proposals to the cabinet. He recommended removing the names of Naveed Aslam and Salman Mansoor.

He proposed to include six new names as members for the review of Islamabad’s Master Plan, in addition to the existing members.

Meanwhile, the committee will begin the process of regularising unapproved housing schemes in various zones of Islamabad. The Cabinet confirmed the names of the Committee members after the debate, with the exception of Maj. Gen. Farrukh Javed, (M) (Retd), whose nomination would be subject to additional consideration.

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