Pakistanis allowed dual nationality of Czech Republic

Pakistan has allowed its citizens to obtain dual nationality of the Czech Republic.

Now, citizens of Pakistan will not have to surrender their nationality to obtain the nationality of the Czech Republic under Czech Republic’s new Citizenship Act.

The Czech Republic has now allowed the nationals of other countries including Pakistan that they could obtain their nationality without surrendering their country’s nationality.

Cabinet has approved the approval of the Interior Division to make dual nationality arrangements with the Czech Republic.

According to Interior Division, currently, Pakistan had dual nationality arrangements with 21 countries.

Read More: PTI Govt backs dual nationality holders’ parliamentarians

Embassy of Pakistan, Prague informed that a fundamental change in Czech Republic’s new Citizenship Act was that foreign nationals from all countries would not need to renounce their previous citizenship of countries of origin before obtaining Czech Citizenship.

It said that they would have a bilateral agreement between the Czech Republic and other countries.

 It essentially means that those Pakistani nationals, and foreigners hailing from different countries, who fulfill requirements and criteria, as stipulated in Sections 13 and 14 of the Czech Citizenship Act, will obtain Czech citizenship and become its citizens without renunciation of their Pakistani or other nationalities.

In the meanwhile, the subject matter was forwarded to Directorate General, Immigration & Passports, Intelligence Bureau, and Inter-Services Intelligence for their views/comments.

Furthermore, all the stakeholders (Directorate General Immigration & Passports, Inter-Services Intelligence, Intelligence Bureau) had supported the proposal of dual nationality arrangement with the Czech Republic.

Under Section 14(3) of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951, moreover, the Interior division sought the approval of the Cabinet for notifying the Czech Republic as one of the countries with which Pakistan had dual nationality arrangement to meet the long-standing demand of the Pakistani community in the Czech Republic.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet considered the summary titled ‘Dual Nationality Arrangement with Czech Republic’ dated 9th July 2021, submitted by the Interior Division, and. approved the proposal of dual nationality arrangement with the Czech Republic.

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