OGDCL Jobs: OGDCL seeks applications to fill key posts

Aftab Ahmed
Islamabad: The Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (Ogdcl) has now offered opportunities for jobs at key posts in the company.

This is hiring on key posts in 2021 as OGDCL has sought applications for jobs.

OGDCL has been offerings jobs as it required a lot of human resources to continue its oil and gas exploration activities. Water ministry is also seeking applications for jobs to fill the post of Chairman Wapda. According to an advertisement in 2021, OGDCL has sought applications for several jobs.

Now, OGDCL is seeking applications for jobs as it has different vacancies for key posts.

OGDCL offers Jobs

It is looking for candidates for the positions of executive director (exploration), chief operating officer, executive director (services), executive director of production, and general manager of an audit.

According to officials, OGDCL also had job openings for engineers. However, these positions have been vacant at the company for a very long time.

The company is the country’s largest oil and gas explorer and meets the major needs for oil and gas in the country.

However, it has provided employment for a variety of people in a variety of key positions. Soon after the appointment, National Accountability Court (NAB) had initiated a probe and board directors had also appeared before NAB for investigation.

The NAB had questioned whether the OGDCL board had hired blue-eyed people. It has sparked debate because the former managing director fired the Executive Director of Human Resources (EDHR) shortly after his appointment.

Read More: OGDCL makes the successive controversial appointment of ED HR

The company had also hired ED Petroserve, and NAB was looking into him. However, he still works for the company.

OGDCL had also given a job to ED Human Resource, whose appointment was illegal, as determined by the auditor.

The Petroleum Division has been investigating his appointment. The former managing director of Pakistan State Oil (PSO) had given him a job.

However, the auditor deemed his appointment to be illegal due to the changes made by the company to appoint him. The current ED HR previously worked at PSO as a general manager.

Nonetheless, despite the auditor’s finding that his appointment as ED HR was illegal on the PSO, OGDCL appointed him.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has advocated for transparency in all aspects of government operations. State-owned enterprises, on the other hand, have been beyond the control of all governments.

Read More: Termination of ED HR: OGDCL’s officers’ association steps in to back MD

Still, OGDCL has made several questionable appointments. But, there has been no remedy to put the house in order.

Wapda Jobs

Like OGDCL, Wapda is also the big state-run entity that has also been offering jobs at the different posts to execute hydro power projects in the entire country. Wapda has also been an application for jobs at different times to fill vacant posts.

Now, the tenure of the existing chairman is expiring. The current chairman of the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) has informed the government that he will not seek re-election.

The Ministry of Water Resources has now offered me a position at the Chairman Wapda. The ministry has invited potential candidates to apply for the position of chairman of the Wapda.

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