Shell Oil Company, beats PSO again in sale target of diesel

Aftab Ahmed
Shell Oil Company has again exceeded its sale target of high-speed diesel (HSD) and beats the country’s largest state-run marketing company Pakistan State Oil (PSO) during the first two weeks of the ongoing month of June 2021.

However, the sale of PSO is also up by 22 percent during the period under review. The sale of high-speed diesel stood at 160,211 metric tons against the average sale target of 133,000 metric tons, up by 20 percent during the first two weeks of the ongoing month. PSO sold 146407 metric tons against a target of 140,000 metric tons, up by 5 percent.

The Shell Pakistan Limited (SPL) sold 28415 metric tons of high-speed diesel (HSD) against the average sale target of 23296 metric tons, up by 22 percent. Its sale of Petrol was 36622 metric tons against the average sale target of 36237 metric tons registering a one percent increase.

Attock Petroleum Limited (ATL) also registered an increase in its sale of high-speed diesel (HSD) by 2 percent to 27072 metric tons against an average sale target of 26,600 metric tons. It did not witness any increase in the sale of petrol that stood at 25,621 metric tons against a target of 35,667 metric tons.

However, Hascol has seen a record decline in its sale of high-speed diesel (HSD) by 33 percent to 18674 metric tons against an average sale target of 28,000 metric tons. Its sale of petrol witnessed an increase of 4 percent to 19413 metric tons against the average sale target of 18667 metric tons.

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Byco Petroleum has also witnessed a decline of 3 percent in its sale of high-speed diesel to 13526 metric tons compared to the average sale target of 14000 metric tons. In the case of petrol, its sale declined by 7 percent to 10,231 metric tons against 10,967 metric tons.

Total OMCs sale

Total high-speed diesel (HSD)’s sale of Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) was up by 4 percent to 348649 metric tons against the average sale target of 336849 metric tons during the first two weeks of the ongoing month of June 2021.

However, their sale of petrol declined by 4 percent to 349, 249 metric tons against an average sale target of 363,393 metric tons.

Earlier, Shell Oil Company has exceeded its sale target of Petroleum products and beats the country’s largest state-run marketing company Pakistan State Oil (PSO) during the month of May.

Shell Oil Company has also beaten other companies like Hascol and Attock Petroleum in achieving the sale target of petroleum products during the month under review. The sale of PSO in petrol and diesel is higher compared to sale volumes in the month of April as of May 30.

Shell Pakistan Limited (SPL)

However, the sale of petroleum products by Shell oil company-SPL has increased during the month under review.

The Shell Pakistan Limited (SPL) increased its sale of petrol by 12 percent keeping in view its targets. Its sale stood at 70709 metric tons against a target of 63083 metric tons as of May 30, 2021.

The sale of high-speed diesel by Shell Oil Company was up by 4 percent at 52923 metric tons.

The sale of petrol by Shell Pakistan Limited (SPL) stood at 67170 metric tons in April that declined to 70709 metric tons in May. In the case of high-speed diesel, its sale stood at 52737 metric tons in April that dropped to 52923 metric tons in May.


Pakistan State Oil (PSO) has failed to achieve the sale target of petroleum products during May this year compared to Shell Oil Company.

As of May 30, it had projected a sale of the target in line with the demand of 306000 metric tons of petrol. However, its actual sale close to the target at 301534 metric tons.

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In the case of the sale target of high-speed diesel, it faced a drop of over 11 percent. It projected a sale target of 400,000 metric tons. However, its actual sale stood at 357272 metric tons during May.

In comparison to April, its sale of Petrol stood at 283556 metric tons that increased to 301534 metric tons.

In the case of High-Speed Diesel (HSD), its sale stood at 349125 metric tons in April that increased to 357272 metric tons in May this year.

Attock Petroleum Limited (APL)

This oil marketing company also failed to achieve its target regarding the sale of petrol and high-speed diesel during May.

Its sale of petrol stood at 47542 metric tons that were down by 9 percent compared to its sale target. It had targeted to sell 52000 metric tons of petrol during the month under review.

The sale of high-speed diesel (HSD) was also below the target by 4 percent to 50952 metric tons during the month under review. The Company had targeted to sell 53000 metric tons of high-speed diesel.

The petrol sale of Attock Petroleum Limited (APL) stood at 46479 metric tons in April that went up to 47542 metric tons on May 30.

The sale of high-speed diesel stood at 46221 metric tons in April that went up to 50952 metric tons in May 2021.


The petrol sale of Hascol was up by 27 percent to 43419 metric tons. It exceeded the target of 35000 metric tons of petrol last month.

Hascol had projected the sale of 33,000 metric tons of high-speed diesel. However, its actual sale was 33944 metrics tons, up by 13 percent.


The Byco exceeded its sale target of petrol by 10 percent during the month under review. It projected a sale of 22000 metric tons. However, its actual sale stood at 24308 metric tons.

In the case of high-speed diesel, its sale dropped by 14 percent. It had projected a sale of 30,000 metric tons. Its actual sale was 24877 metric tons down by 17 percent compared to its target.

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