key cabinet members blast at local car makers

Aftab Ahmed
Islamabad: Key cabinet members have blasted local car makers for producing local fuel-efficient cars and charging higher prices.
Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry says there should be no saving of industry at the cost of the public. He quoted the example of the vehicle of one local auto vendor offering its entry model at Rs 1.6 million. However, he said a similar model in the neighbouring country cost Rs 0.4 million.

Key members made comments in a high-level committee on the auto sector and EV Policy.

Deputy Chairman Planning Commission said vehicles including 2-3 wheelers, were not in line with the international safety standards. Moreover, they were low fuel efficiency.

Another close PM’s aide Dr. Ishrat Hussain said that the new entrant policy under ADP 2016-21 had shown positive results. As a result, six automotive companies, including KIA and Hyundai, had already started manufacturing.

The continuity of successful auto policy should be ensured and emphasized ADP had been instrumental in increasing competition in the auto market and as such monopoly in the car, LCV, and SUV segment had been broken.

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